Lie groupoid and Lie algebroid week in Coimbra III

June 3-7, 2024

School on modern aspects of the geometry and applications of Lie groupoids and Lie algebroids

This school will contain three mini-courses, aiming to introduce some modern advances  of the theory of Lie groupoids, Lie algebroids, and their applications. The goal is to have a leisurely schedule, allowing plenty of time for informal discussions.

It is geared toward PhD students, and other researchers interested in the topic, but previous exposure to Lie groupoids will not be assumed. 

The first day will contain either a small crash-course on Lie groupoids and Lie algebroids, or an open discussion with the participants, to introduce some definitions, examples, and ideas used in the other courses.



Room 5.5 - Department of Mathematics, University of Coimbra


Participation is free and open to all, but registration is required for logistical reasons.  Please register by sending an email to saying that you want to participate.

Schedule and abstracts

Karandeep Singh

Title: Deformations, rigidity and stability through differential graded Lie algebras.

Maarten Mol

Title: Topics revolving around Hamiltonian groupoid actions.

Rui Loja Fernandes 

Title:  Multiplicative Ehresmann connections

Abstract: I will present an introduction to the theory of multiplicative Ehresmann connections for Lie groupoids and their infinitesimal counterparts for Lie algebroids. The first were introduced by Laurent-Gengoux, Stienon & Xu, approximately 15 years ago in their study of non-abelian gerbes. They have been further generalized in two recent papers by Marcut and myself, where notable progress has been achieved, including a Lie algebroid version, establishing their existence for proper groupoids and unveiling new applications to local models in Poisson and Dirac geometry. Some of the topics covered in this course include: jet groupoids, multiplicative forms and IM forms (with coefficients), Cartan connections on groupoids and algebroids, bundle gerbes, and local normal forms



Previous editions:
Lie groupoid week in Coimbra was held in September 2022.
Lie groupoid and algebroid week in Coimbra II was held in July 2023.