Li, Cong's Research

My Research

I used to be a computer scientist. From July 2001 to September 2003, I worked as an assistant researcher in Microsoft Research Asia focusing on machine learning methods and their applications in natural language computing, and published several papers on top level international conferences and journals. My major contribution lies in cross-task learning (see, e.g., my papers in ICML '03, ACL '02). Now I do not engage in professional research, but may still trace the research in the related fields in spare time.

Selected Publications (Well, I selected them all ...)

Hang Li and Cong Li (2004). Word Translation Disambiguation Using Bilingual Bootstrapping. Computational Linguistics, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 1-22. (Journal version of the ACL '02 paper.) (pdf)

Cong Li, Ji-Rong Wen, and Hang Li (2003). Text Classification Using Stochastic Keyword Generation. In Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML '03), pp. 464-471. (pdf)

Hang Li, Yunbo Cao, and Cong Li (2003). Using Bilingual Web Data to Mine and Rank Translations. IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 54-59. (pdf)

Cong Li and Hang Li (2002). Word Translation Disambiguation Using Bilingual Bootstrapping. In Proceedings of the Fortieth Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL '02), pp. 343-351. (pdf)

Popular Science Talk

A Cross-Section View of Machine Learning