Source 1:Solar Symbol, Encyclopedia MDPI
Source 2: symbolikon, Slavic Symbols and Meanings
Source 3: Serbian Shop
Source 4: symboliki Slavic Symbols (extended)
Source 5: Blog, Slavic Symbols
Source 6: Blog, Meet The Slavs
Source 7: Meet the Slavs, about the Swastika and Kolovrat
Source 8: Use of the Kolovrat as a hate symbol
Source 9: Origins of the Kolovrat
Source 10: BBC (How the swastika was hijacked by Evil)
Source 11: Britannica (How the Swastika was ruined)
Source 12: (Slavic mythology, gods, symbols, and stories)
Source 13: Celebrate Pagan Holidays
Source 14: Meet the slavs (Holidays)
Source 15: Brendan Noble (Dziady, a Holiday)
Credit 1: Hands of God w/ Swastikas
Credit 2: Chernobog image on More Information
Credit 3: Other Slavic Symbols
Credit 4: Symbol of Svarog