Please open a terminal, call: libreoffice --calc and provide any error message you may get. In addition it might be very helpful to provide: dpkg --list | awk '/ii/&&/libreoffice/{printf "%-4s%-40s%-20s\n",$1,$2,$3}'

I had the same error and installing java also fixed it, but calc then opened with an extremely tiny window. When I ran ibreoffice --calc before installing java I got this error:

avaldx: Could not find a Java Runtime Environment!

Please ensure that a JVM and the package libreoffice-java-common

is installed.

If it is already installed then try removing ~/.config/libreoffice/4/user/config/javasettings_Linux_*.xml

Warning: failed to read path from javaldx

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And I save LibreOffice files in MS Office formats(.docx, .xlsx etc.) by default. Will it create any sorts of compatibility issues while opening in both LibreOffice or MS Office/ Has anyone faced it yet? Or should I stick to the default format? I am asking because I use LibreOffice writer for writing and has to exchange with people who use MS Word.

I have LO I think the problem was that I first ran a sudo apt-get install libreoffice libreoffice-writer libreoffice-java-common jabref java-common to check whether the right java stuff was present. this command installed a LO 6 that interfered with the communication. When I purged LO and re-installed it, the problem was solved.

Hi @LyzardKing, I installed the .deb version 5.1-1 from and try to the version 5.2-1, both unsuccessful. My libreoffice version is and libreoffice-java-common is the newest version (1:7.0.2-0ubuntu1)

I tested with the versions of libreoffice in the ubuntu repos anche the upstream ppa, and they both work automatically, detecting the correct paths.

Check that the snap is not still lauched by running which libreoffice. That should return /usr/bin/libreoffice

Yes it works but it is not a permanent fix. You have to run it from the terminal every time you use Libre writer which is inconvenient for many users. I intend to test this further on various boxes/setups.

Then scroll the list of the search box again to see if all the libreoffice packages are deselected / selected for removal, if you find any of them still not deselected / selected for removal, select them, and continue to remove them until all are removed (in testing environments it was necessary no more than 3 of these steps).

For US-English, there is no libreoffice-l10n-en-us package as it is the default language. Spelling, hyphenation, thesaurus (synonyms) and help files still have to be installed:

sudo apt install hunspell-en-us hyphen-en-us mythes-en-us libreoffice-help-en-us

You may want to install additional icon themes. The new Colibre theme is installed by default. You could install all available icon themes with the following command (not recommended):

sudo apt install libreoffice-style*

The themes HiContrast, Industrial and Oxygen do not include SVG variants of the icons and are not actively maintained. Karasa Jaga was introduced as an alternative to Oxygen.

sudo apt install libreoffice-style-karasa-jaga

Newbie here, I have the bug that is denoted here -dialogue-too-large-to-select-ok-to-print/ and here _bug.cgi?id=127782#c67. Do I need to report this via the ubuntu-bug terminal tool to alert the Ubuntu developers? Or will they be informed of it already via Bugzilla?

There is something else going on with fontconfig. When you go to the fonts viewer "Fonts", some of the DejaVu font families are not shown correctly. Some are duplicated and others are not shown. The issue is solid repeatable. Install fonts-dejavu-extra and then launch "Fonts". I'm not sure this is a libreoffice issue. What patches did Ubuntu make to it?

This font delay problem in libreoffice-writer 7.3/7.4 seems to be a combination of libreoffice-gtk3 and Nvidia proprietary driver. The problem appears with default desktop enviroment and with gnome classic. Problem appears in wayland and xorg. is a leading and fastest growing website catering to office productivity suites. We cover all the latest happenings, news, upcoming trends, tutorials, fixes and a lot more happening in the office productivity technology space.

Pour des questions de place, seul un ensemble restreint de jeux d'icnes est inclus dans la version fournie par Canonical par rapportĀ  la version fournie par The Document Fondation.Elles peuvent tre retrouves en tapant les mots libreoffice-style dans la logithque, sinon voici la liste complte : ff782bc1db

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