
From the desk of the historian...

Encyclopedia of Fraughtia (Index)

  • 2018 Controlled Collapse

    • The 2018 controlled collapse was a restructuring of Fraughtia. The massive size of the Fraughtian Community would be shrunk to just three regions—Central Minecraft Region, Fraughtian Minecraft Region, and Dare the Hare Region—and 1 colony—Arctic Paix.

  • 2020 Controlled Collapse

    • The 2020 controlled collapse was a reorganization of Fraughtia, including giving all regions independence. Caveton would be left as the sole and principal region in Fraughtia, and all formerly Fraughtian communities would be classified as belonging to the "Fraughtian World".

  • Central Minecraft Region

    • The Central Minecraft Region (CMR) was the largest and capital region of the Fraughtian Community. It shared many similarities with the former Xbox 360 Region, both cultural and political. The region had a varying population, reaching 250 members at its peak. CMR Isles, the official realm, acted as the de-facto capital in Minecraft. The region in early 2019, facing inactivity from its leader, was reformed into Minecraftia. Minecraftia would quickly be replaced by Caveton.

  • Goodie-Fraughtian Conflict

    • The Goodie-Fraughtian Conflict from January 2021 to May 2021, was between Goodie Server & Xrovia, and Fraughtia. The main conflict started due to a disagreement on whether GayMerMan4REALZ would be able to use the "Goodie Server" archive. The conflict ended after Caveton pulled out of merger discussions with Xrovia.

  • Silent War

    • The Silent War (June-August 2018) was a conflict between the Fraughtian Community and the Elite Federation, initiated by attacks from prominent Elitian leaders. The war was primarily fought over the issue of independence of the NSR.

  • Xbox 360 Region

    • The Xbox 360 Region was a region of the Fraughtian Community. Founded in 2012 as the principal region, the Xbox 360 Region was first considered separate with the Protocol of 2014. The designation region was established with the Protocol of 2016. Throughout much of its history, the region has maintained an average of 300 members. In 2018, the region was reformed into Fraughtium, an effort to revive the old region. Later that year, Fraughtium would be disestablished in the 2018 controlled collapse, with most of its members having immigrated to the Central Minecraft or Fraughtian Minecraft Regions.