Marguerita Morton

Living in & caring about St. John's

Leadership You Can Trust

About me

I am Marguerita Morton, and have been privileged to be a Councillor for St. John’s for almost 4 years.  I was previously a Town Councillor from 2003-2011.   

I have always been a champion for safer streets, less congestion and a vibrant Tunbridge Wells. 

If you have any questions or would just like to chat, please call me on 07715 695169 or email me at :

My focus if re-elected 

I am an advocate against climate change and so would like to see:

We can do this by effecting change in what we do daily.  

I also want to make Tunbridge Wells more attractive to visitors by promoting our excellent library, museum and adult education centre at The Amelia Scott Centre, our unique music and puppetry festivals, the Trinity Arts Centre located in the town centre, historic Pantiles and the Chalybeate Springs.

St. John’s has a busy attractive shopping parade which has provided its residents with a wide variety of artisanal cafes and restaurants, making it a “foodie” paradise in its own right.  It even has the town’s only electric bicycle shop- but more can be done. This neighbourhood could be the first "liveable streets" area in the town. I promise to work for you on this innovative project and ensure that your voice is heard.  

I am proud to be councillor for such a diverse, evolving community in what can be called an “up and coming” quarter of Tunbridge Wells.

I hope you will vote for me on the 4th May.

Tunbridge Wells Liberal Democrats Local Elections 2023 Manifesto

As the largest party within the Borough Partnership we will work to drive through our manifesto priorities:

Green Plan for the Borough

Tourism to drive economic development

Protecting services in a tough economic climate

Tunbridge Wells Lib Dems

The Tunbridge Wells Liberal Democrats are an energetic, pro-active and growing local political party.  We are the largest party on the Borough Council.  Together with two other parties and one independent Councillor, we control the Council through the Borough Partnership which was formed in Spring 2022.

Under the leadership of Ben Chapelard, the Borough Partnership has five key objectives

See HERE for an interview with Ben Chapelard.

Published and promoted by Hugh Patterson on behalf of Marguerita Morton (Liberal Democrats) all at 60 Sychem Place, Five Oak Green TN12 6TS. Hosted by Google.