Liam Brookes

Software Engineer at Nequinox Studios

AAA Titles | C++ / C# | UE4 / Unity 

Nequinox Studios Software Engineer

I  am currently working as a software engineer at Nequinox Studios on an unannounced AAA title.


Kingdom Jump • C# Unity • Professional • Mobile

I worked for Pineapple Studios on a six-month contract on a game called Kingdom Jump. I was the lead in the AI team where I have worked on all 10 enemy types in the game, writing clean and optimal code for the mobile platform.  If you would like to see more then you can check out their website.


Serial Shopper •  C# Unity •  Game Jam

While working for Pineapple Studios we did a weeklong Game Jam for a team-building exercise. We were sorted into seven teams. I was on a team of five and was one of two programmers, our game won second place for best game. The concept is to complete your shopping list while a serial killer is trying to Jump scare you, kick over shelves or kill you.


Stealth Mechanics Optimised for a Mobile Platform  •  C# Unity

For my Final Year Project (FYP) at University I am making a mobile stealth game  that will optimised to run smoothly on a mobile device. The project is currently in development and updates will be released soon. First-class mark.


Pixel Beasts  •  C# Unity • Android

Pixel Beasts is a solo project I am currently working on for my final year of university where i am creating a collectable card game for Android using Unity. This project will eventually will be available for download on the Google Play store. First-class mark.


Jack Ripper  •  C++ sfml

Jack Ripper was a 6-week project split into 2 parts.  We had 3 weeks to make a group game engine, and then 3 weeks to individually make a game with the engine we had created. We used the sfml framework to quickly build a component-based engine and then rapidly designed and created a game using the components such as script, render, AI, etc. 


Bank Heist  •  C++ UE

Bank Heist was a solo project in my second year of university where I am creating a simple FPS character in UE4 using the combination of C++ and Blueprints I wanted to understand C++ with UE4 so I started to recreate mechanics inspired from the game Payday and Overwatch. First Class Mark.


Hell Defenders  •  C++ UE4 

Hell Defenders was a solo second-year university project in which I had to create a tower defence game as well as marketing it. The planning and marketing of the game such as design documents, marketing plan, marketing strategy and the use of social media was a large part of this module. Check out the games Twitter here. First Class Mark.


Survive  •  C# Unity

Survive was a second-year project which I created a game in Unity using C# and the features that the engine has to offer. I had never used Unity before but I pushed myself and created a small horror game. First Class Mark.


Wall Runner  •  C++ UE4

This is a Titanfall inspired wall run mechanic I created in my spare time to test out parkour mechanics which was implemented into a 6 week Duo project. The project was made to also learn and understand source control which we used GitHub to merge our different mechanics together. 


Mario  •  C++ SDL2

Second game solo project at University where i had to recreate Mario. I learnt how games are made from a low-level and increased my skills in creating gameplay mechanics. First Class Mark.


Hacker Bot

Hacker Bot was my first solo project at University and was the first game I made with C++ using a framework called S2D. The project was based on PAC-MAN, The project gave me a good understanding of C++. First Class Mark.
