Signature Ceremony

The inauguration of the French-Japanese International Associated Laboratory (LIA) took place on Monday July 3rd 2017 in Matsumoto, Japan. The ceremony was attended by a delegation consisting of the President and Vice-Presidents for Research, Education and International Relations of Shinshu University, the Vice-President for International Relations from the University of Lille 1, the director of the research center in computer science, signal and automatic control of Lille (CRIStAL), the project manager at the service for science and technology from the French Embassy in Japan, as well as members and representatives from partner institutions.

The LIA MODŌ federates about ten researchers and young researchers shared between French and Japanese institutions. Thanks to the complementary of their scientific expertises, the partners now reinforce more than five years of joint work on a bilateral research collaboration, the establishment of privileged connections and the joint organization of workshops. This project aims to consolidate the co-supervision of students and doctoral students, joint work and publications, as well as collaborations between professor and researcher members of the LIA.

From a scientific point of view, the LIA MODŌ aims to establish the foundations and to develop a unified autonomous solver able to address, globally and simultaneously, the various challenges raised by massive optimization, whose application domains are in close interaction with the industrial world. Indeed, nowadays optimization problems are complex and characterized by the large dimensionality of their variables and objectives, their heterogeneity, and their expensive nature. Structured around four complementary scientific objectives, this project aims to address the challenges raised by these new problems by means of optimization techniques that are simultaneously (1) aware of the landscape in which they operate, (2) assisted by statistical and machine learning models (3) based on decomposition, and (4) taking advantage from the capabilities offered by parallel and decentralized high-performance computing.

Thus, this joint entity will enable to perpetuate the strong academic cooperation existing between both institutions, to increase their international visibility, and to reinforce the synergy around education and research.


  • Kunihiro Hamada (Shinshu) — President
  • Soichiro Nakamura (Shinshu) — Vice-President Research
  • Yoshinao Hirano (Shinshu) — Vice-President Education
  • Kiyoshi Tanaka (Shinshu) — Vice-President International Relations, Member of the LIA
  • Hernán Aguirre (Shinshu) — Co-director for Japan
  • François-Olivier Seys (Lille) — Vice-President International Relations
  • Olivier Colot (Lille) — Director of CRIStAL
  • Emma-Louise Scappaticci (France) — Chargé de mission, French Embassy in Japan
  • Arnaud Liefooghe (Lille) — Co-director for France
  • Bilel Derbel (Lille) — Member of the LIA