Research Interest:

Real-Time System, Distributed System, Could Computing and Machine Learning.

Journal Publications:

  • S He, Z Li, J Zhou, Y Yin, X Xu, Y Chen, XH Sun, "A Holistic Heterogeneity-Aware Data Placement Scheme for Hybrid Parallel I/O Systems", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 31 (4), 830-842, 2019

  • Zheng Li and Shuibing He, "Run-time timing prediction for system reconfiguration on many-core embedded systems", Journal of Systems Architecture, 95:47-54, 2019

  • Zheng Li and Shuibing He, "Fixed-Priority Scheduling for Two-Phase Mixed-Criticality Systems", ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, June 2017

  • Shuibing He, Yang Wang, Zheng Li and Chengzhong Xu, "Cost-Aware Region-Level Data Placement in Multi-Tiered Parallel I/O Systems", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 28(7):1853 - 1865, 2017

  • Zheng Li, Chunhui Guo, Xiayu Hua, Shangping Ren, “Reliability Guaranteed Energy Minimization On Mixed-Criticality Systems”, Journal of Software and System, 112: 1-10, 2016

  • Hao Wu, Xiayu Hua, Zheng Li, Shangping Ren, "Resource and Instance Hour Minimization for Deadline Constrained DAG Applications Using Computer Clouds", IEEE Trans. Parallel and Distributed Systems, 99:1-10, 2015

  • Xiayu Hua, Zheng Li, Hao Wu, Chunhui Guo, Shangping Ren, “Periodic resource integration”, Journal of Software and System, 110: 193-204, 2015

  • Zheng Li, Shangping Ren, Gang Quan, “Energy Minimization for Reliability-Guaranteed Real-Time Applications using DVFS and Checkpointing Techniques”, Journal of Software Architecture, 61(2): 71 -81, 2015

  • Zheng Li, Lockom Frank, Shangping Ren, “Maintaining Real-Time Application Timing Similarity for Defect-Tolerant NoC”, ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst., 13(2s): 64:1-64:19, 2014

  • Xiayu Hua, Hao Wu, Zheng Li, Shangping Ren, “Enhancing throughput of the Hadoop Distributed File System for interaction-intensive tasks”, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 74(8): 2770-2779, 2014

Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers:

  • Zheng Li, "Scheduling of Two-Phase Mixed-Criticality Systems on Memory Shared Multi-Core Platforms ", 17th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC), 2019

  • Zheng Li, Hao Wu, Shuibing He, "Timing Prediction for Dynamic Application Migration on Multi-core Embedded Systems", 4th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data and Security (IDS) , 2018

  • Zheng Li, Shuibing He and Li Wang, "Prediction Based Run-Time Reconfiguration on Many-Core Embedded Systems", 14th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC), 2017

  • Zheng Li and Li wang, "Memory-aware scheduling for mixed-criticality systems", International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCAS), 2016

  • Zheng Li, Shangping Ren, Gang Quan, “Dynamic Reservation-Based Mixed-Criticality Task Set Scheduling”, IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS), 2014

  • Hao Wu, Xiayu Hua, Zheng Li, Shangping Ren, “Resource minimization for real-time applications using computer clouds”, IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), 2013

  • Zheng Li, Shuhui Li, Xiayu Hua, Hao Wu, Shangping Ren, “Run-Time Reconfiguration to Tolerate Core Failures for Real-Time Embedded Applications on NoC Manycore Platforms”, IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC), 2013

  • Zheng Li, Li Wang, Shangping Ren, Gang Quan, “Energy Minimization for Checkpointing-Based Approach to Guaranteeing Real-Time Systems Reliability”,IEEE International Symposium on object/component/service-oriented Real-time distributed computing (ISORC), 2013

  • Li Wang, Zheng Li, Miao Song and Shangping Ren, "A genetic algorithm based approach to maximizing real-time system value under resource constraints", IEEE 31st International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC), 2012


  • University Research Council Grant Award, Western Illinois University, “Real-Time Machine Learning Techniques on Embedded Computing Systems”, 7/1/2018 -- 6/30/2019

  • University Research Council Grant Award, Western Illinois University, “Wear-out Tolerable Reconfiguration Techniques for Many-Core Mixed Criticality Systems”, 7/1/2016 -- 6/30/2017