Laurel House Surgery & Fazeley Health Centre

Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Latest Information from the Surgery

Please Visit the surgery website for current information -

Face masks are required on surgery visits.

Please phone the Surgery on 01827 69283. 

Have you considered using the NHS website to check whether or not a Pharmacist maybe able to resolve your situation?  Their site is -

Thank you to all of our patients for your patience and support during this very difficult time in the NHS. 

We have been working extremely hard to try and rework how we offer our services in order to try and keep our staff and patients as safe as possible.

Please understand that this is an ever-changing situation and we are constantly reviewing government and NHS guidelines, which are being frequently updated.

Please Note that the surgery are doing their best to return to a normal service, as far as is possible including the following -

 If you feel unwell on the day of a booked face to face appointment, please do NOT attend.
Let the surgery know as soon as possible but at this time a Did Not Attend (DNA) will not be frowned upon.

Sadly our receptionists are currently experiencing an unprecedented amount of verbal abuse from patients and this is something we do not tolerate and is being monitored. 

We ask that you work with us during this difficult time: our receptionists are working as efficiently and quickly as is clinically safe to do so.

The Surgery operates a Zero Tolerance to Abuse of any kind and anyone found guilty of any form of Abuse will be dealt with accordingly and the PPG supports this action totally.

If you have a complaint there is a surgery procedure and you are invited to follow this, details of which can be obtained from reception or by writing to the Practice Manager and mark your envelope Private and Confidential. 

You can also raise issues with the PPG if you so wish .

Thank you.

Please do NOT go to the Surgery if

you are displaying the symptoms of Coronavirus (Covid-19).

Stay at home and Call NHS on 111, report it to them and follow their instructions!

If you need to check your symptoms visit the NHS website -

Please share to make people aware they must NOT go to the surgery or to hospital! 

By going to the surgery or hospital puts doctors, receptionists and other patients at risk of contracting the disease!

Please also note that the Surgery has suspended the Sit & Wait surgery and if you are poorly & need same day urgent care you will have to phone the surgery when the receptionist will ask you for brief details & obtain your contactable details.  A clinician will ring you back to advise you over the telephone or arrange to see you if necessary.

Please be patient as the phones will be busy and you may have to wait to be answered.

For the latest information, please visit the  surgery website!