Post-Secondary Planning

Anything underlined is a hyperlink! Clicking on an underlined word will take you directly to the webpage.


Deciding on a career to pursue can be overwhelming. Check out these resources! If you take a career assessment and want to talk about it, bring your results to Ms. Patsel! 

BigFuture | helpful career assessments

My Next Move | interest profiler and career exploration 

Skills Matcher | tool to see where your skills align with different careers 

Career One Stop | all things career!

Resume workshops will be held throughout the year, but if you need help prior to one of these, please contact Ms. Patsel!


Deciding where to spend the next 2-4 years of your life can be stressful. Take a look at these resources and ask Ms. Patsel if you have questions!

BigFuture | Helpful for scholarship searches and college / career planning and has parent resources as well!

BigFuture College Search | Use this tool to help with your college search 

Build your college list worksheet | copy this Google Doc template into your Google Drive to edit, but this is helpful with creating a college list to bring to College Application Day 

SCCANGO | Very helpful resource for all things college 

Common App | If you are thinking about applying to multiple colleges, this is going to be your friend

Understanding the different types of post-secondary education | Includes information about both 2 and 4 year colleges and technical schools

First Generation Advice | A website created to help with the transition to college for first-generation students

Glossary of College Application Terms  | A helpful list of terms to navigate the college application process!

LCSD Transcript Requests 


Interested in the Armed Forces? Explore the branches and set up a meeting with Ms. Patsel to get started!

Air Force


Coast Guard



Space Force

National Guard Information:

Air [Force] National Guard

Army National Guard