Leaders Heights PTO

Welcome to our PTO Page

2023 - 2024

Executive Board


President: Jamie Carrozza


Vice President: Amanda Axe


Secretary: Michelle Young   


Treasurer: Kathy Bowser


A Word From the PTO President


Dear Leaders Heights Families,

The Leaders Heights Parent-Teacher Organization would like to welcome all new and returning families to the 2023-2024 school year. The PTO offers families an opportunity to learn what’s happening at school, share ideas and make a difference in their child’s educational experience.  Many exciting activities and programs are planned for this school year, and with your help we can offer even more.

Please join us for our meetings in the Leaders Heights library to learn more about these opportunities.  Meetings are held the second Monday of the month at 7:00 pm.  A list of the PTO meeting dates can be found under the specified tab. 

This year we greatly need your help.  Please join the PTO by completing the Leaders Heights PTO membership form.  You can also get involved by volunteering to work on a committee, help plan activities and volunteer at PTO events.

Thank you for your participation.  We appreciate your help, and look forward to working with each of you throughout the school year. 


Jamie Carrozza

President, Leaders Heights PTO