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Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (PCVEI)
The DILG, through its Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism and Insurgency (PCVEI) Program, aims to link and harmonize the different initiatives of the Department, its bureaus, and attached agencies in addressing violent extremism and other threats to peace and security. The PCVE Program Management Office (PMO) was created to oversee, monitor and assess the Department’s multidisciplinary approaches in preventing violent extremism. The PCVE functions under the National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO) and the office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Safety and Security (OASPSS).
The NBOO in coordination with the PCVE PMO, the PNP, PPSC, and the Anti-Terrorism Council-Project Management Center (ATC-PMC) emerged the “National Action Plan on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (NAP PCVE)” Module that aims to recognize the importance of the Whole-of-Nation-Approach in the prevention of violent extremism and how to respond to the current situation.
The NAP PCVE was developed to serve as a guide to all concerned government agencies in addressing violent extremism. It was approved on May 27, 2019 after a series of consultation workshops by concerned government agencies.
The participation of the people in the community is vital in the outcome of the NAP PCVE implementation plan of the different agencies. The NAP PCVE targets to address the gaps on the delivery of basic social services of the government and good governance, which contribute to the push factors of terrorism. Further, the module, aims to widen the knowledge, skills and initiative of the community in contributing to the prevention and countering of terrorism and violent extremism.
Module Outline
Session 1 - Strengthening Filipino Values and Cultural Sensitivity in the Philippine Setting
Session 2 - Vulnerable Sectors in Radicalization and Violent Extremism
Session 3 - Community Anti-Terrorism Awareness (CATA)
Session 4 - NAP PCVE:
National Government Agencies Implementation Plan
The Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020 (RA 111479)
Community-Based Restoration and Reconciliation
Session 5 - Strategic Communications, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation:
Barangay at Pulisya Laban sa Krimen (BPLK)
Formulation of PCVE Teams in Barangays
Target LGUs
CY 2021 (Province of Lanao del Norte) - 100 Barangays
Bacayawan, Balabacun, Balintad, Dalama, Kadayonan, Lindongan, Lingco-an, Lininding, Lumba-Bayabao, Madaya, Maganding, Matampay, Old Poblacion, North Cadulawan, Panggao, Pantao, Pantao-a-Munai, Pantaon, Pindolonan, Punong, Ramain, Sundiga-Munai, Tagoranao, Tambo, Tamparan, Taporog
Abaga, Bangco, Cabasaran, Canibongan, Dimayon, Inayawan, Kaludan, Katubuan, Karkum, Liangan, Lupitan, Mangan, Malaig, Masibay, Notongan, Panganapan, Pantar, Paridi, Poblacion, Putadon, Rarab, Raraban, Rubicon, Songgod, Taraka
Poona Piagapo
Alowin, Bubong, Cabasaran, Cadayonan, Cormatan, Daramba, Dinaig, Kablangan, Linindingan, Lumbatan, Lupitan, Madamba, Madaya, Maliwanag, Nunang, Nunungan, Pantao Raya, Pantaon, Pendolonan, Pened, Piangamangaan, Poblacion, Sulo, Tagoranao, Tangclao,
Darimbang, Dimayon, Kiazar, Malimbato, Panalawan
Bayabao, Berwar, Big Banisilon, Big Meladoc, Bubong, Lamosa, Linao, Papan, Pelingkingan, Poblacion, Poona Kapatagan, Punod, Small Banisilon, Small Meladoc, Somiorang, Tangcal Proper
CY 2020 (Province of Bukidnon) - 80 Barangays
Kalilangan, Langaon, San Vicente
Kapalaran, Osmeña
Bontongon, Guihean, Impalotao, Kapitan Bayong, Kibenton
Bantuanon, Basac, Kulasihan. Songco
Kiabo, San Luis, Siloo
Malaybalay City
Apo Macote, Can-ayan, Imbayao, Kibalabag, Kulaman, Manalog, Mapayag, Patpat, Saint Peter, Silae, Sto Niño
Manolo Fortich
Adtuyon, Bacusanon, Conception, Guinoyoran, New Eden
San Fernando
Cawayan, Halapitan, Little Baguio, Magkalungay, Nacabuklad, Namnam, Tugop
Culasi, Occasion
Basac, Baylanan, Cosina, Dominorog, Lantud, Lirongan, Miarayon
Valencia City
Banlag, Barobo, Conception, DagatKidavao, Guinoyoran, Laligan, Lilingayon, Lumbayao, Lurogan, Mabugay, Sinabuagan, Sinayawan, Tongan-tongan, Tugaya
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CSOs Engaged in the Implementation of the PCVEI