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Community-Based Drug Rehabilitation Program (CBDRP)

The CBDRP, in adherence to DDB Regulation No. 4. S. 2016, makes use of the process flow for wellness and recovery for people with substance disorders. This incorporates the various stages from advocacy and community mobilization, screening and assessment, provision of appropriate treatment for drug abuse, rehabilitation services and sustainability programs, to the aftercare and follow-up or community reintegration.

Further, the region has submitted quarterly reports to the PADS-PMO every 12th day of the ensuing month of every quarter which were based on the data gathered from the LGUs and encoded in the Monitoring of the Implementation of Community-based Drug Rehabilitation Program.

Report Details

DILG INTRANET for DILG Field Officers and for LGU ADAC Focal Person

   Every 20th day of the ensuing  month of every quarter for the Province/Highly Urbanized Cities

   Every 28th day of the ensuing  month of every quarter for the Regional Office

What is Anti-Drug Abuse System (ADAS)?

ADAS is a web-based application that is made to be the official reporting system for the Community-Based Drug Rehabilitation Program (CBDRP) starting calendar year 2023.


Important Reminders

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


2. Certification of Drug Free/Cleared

2. Certification of Drug Free/Cleared

Quarterly, the system is made to be flexible/dynamic. Just in case the report is already available in that month the LGU ADAC can encode their report in the system every month. Another option, if the LGU ADAC Focal or Encoder prefer to  sum up all the data, and encode it in the last month of the quarter.

Quarterly, the system is made to be flexible/dynamic. Just in case the report is already available in that month the LGU ADAC can encode their report in the system every month. Another option, if the LGU ADAC Focal or Encoder prefer to  sum up all the data, and encode it in the last month of the quarter.

Roles and Responsibilities

Credits to: DILG PADS PMO

How to access Anti-Drug Abuse System?

Archived Reports