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Registry of Barangay Inhabitants

Section 394 (d) (6) of the Local Government Code provides that the Barangay Secretary is mandated to maintain, update and keep records of inhabitants in the barangay. The information should contain the name, address, place and date of birth, sex, civil status, citizenship and occupation of the inhabitants.

The maintenance and updating of the list of inhabitants is necessitated by the call of the times and the need to formulate an efficient system of keeping the records of inhabitants in all the barangays throughout the country. This needs to be done for the following purposes:

• For easy identification of inhabitants;

• As a tool in planning; and

• As an updated reference in the number of inhabitants in a specific Barangay.

The City/Municipal Mayors and Punong Barangays shall adopt necessary measures to ensure that the right to privacy will be observed in the process of maintaining and updating records of all inhabitants of the Barangay which shall include but not limited to the following:

a. The data to be recorded and stored shall be used only for the purpose of establishing identity of a person. RBI Form A and RBI Form B shall be used as the data capture instruments.

b. In no case shall the collection or compilation of other data in violation of a person's right to privacy be allowed or tolerated under this memorandum circular.

C. Stringent system of access and control to data shall be instituted.

d. Data collected and stored for this purpose shall be kept and treated as strictly confidential and a personal written authorization of the Owner shall be required for access and disclosure of data

e. Any correction or revision in the inhabitant's record shall be done provided that a written request from the Owner is obtained.

As  the  maintenance  and  updating  of  Records  of  Barangay  Inhabitants  (RBIs)  is mandated by law, collecting and processing personal data may be done even without the consent of the data subject, however, the data subject shall also be informed of the purpose and the use of the gathered data/information, through the Privacy Notice indicated  in  the  forms.    Likewise,  the  concerned  Offices  shall  ensure  that organizational,  physical  and  technical  security  measures  are  in  place  to  protect  the personal data of the data subject.