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Barangay Development Council (BDC) 2022 Functionality Audit
Pursuant to Section 106 if the Local Government Code of 1991, each local government unit shall have a comprehensive multi-sectoral development plan to be initiated by its development council and approved by its sanggunian. At the barangay level, it is the Barangay Development Council (BDC) that shall assist the Sangguniang Barangay in setting the direction of economic and social development, and coordinating the development efforts within its territorial jurisdiction.
The BDC plays a vital role in the over-all development and progress of the barangay and is considered the mother of all barangay-based institutions (BBIs).
BDC is considered as the mother of all special bodies in the barangay being the umbrella organization of all barangay-based institutions.
The Department issued DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2019-69, dated May 15, 2019, Amendment to DILG MC 2019-109, entitled: "Guidelines in the Monitoring the Functionality of the Barangay Development Council"
The PB shall organise the BDC within 100 days upon assumption to office
1. PBs as chair
2. SB members as members
3. Representatives of accredited NGOs operating in the barangay shall constitute not less than 1/4 of the members of the council
4. Representative of the congressman
1. Mobilize peoples participation in local development efforts
2. Prepare BPDs based on local requirements
3. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of national or local programs and projects
4. Perform such other functions as may be provided by law or competent authority
An exec shall be created within 30 days upon organization/reconstitution of the BDC to represent and act in behalf of the council, composed of:
1. PB as chair
2. Representative of the SB chosen from among them
3. Representative of the NGOs
1. Ensure that decision of council are carried out
2. Act on matters requiring immediate attention of the council
3. Formulate plans and programs based on the general principles laid by the council
4. Act on other matters that may be authorised by the council
BDC secretariat
1. Headed by the Barangay secretary assisted by the M/CPDC and shall provide technical support to the BDC
2. Document council proceedings
3. Prepare council reports
4. Other assistance that may be needed
Objectives of the monitoring
Information detail on estimates of yearly income and the total appropriations covering personal services, maintenance, and other operating expenses and capital outlay.
It shall be posted at the beginning of the specified fiscal year and shall remain posted for the entire period covered
The BDC Functionality Indicators aim to assess the effectiveness of the perfromance of the BDC vis-avis the functions mandated to them by existing laws and policies
Functionality Indicators
Functionality Indicators Assigned Points
Level of Functionality
Timeline and Coverage of the Assessment
The assessment of the functionality of BDC shall be conducted annually in accordance with the following schedule:
The DILG Regional Office shall prescribe the schedules of submission of provincial and city/municipal assessment results provided that the regional assessment results (annex 6) is submitted to Central Office - NBOO not later than every 30th day of September
Flowchart of the Assessment
Itemized Monthly Collections and Disbursements
It shall be posted within ten (10) days following the end of every month by the barangay treasurer. All preceding monthly documents shall remain posted under the subsequent monthly documents for reference.
Rating System
Submission of Report
DILG Advisory dated February 22, 2023