Newest Videos From our channel

New clubhouse! (Video by PewPew)=

We made a new clubhouse!

We were under construction and needed to move to a new clubhouse. On our way to the new clubhouse, we decided to stop and go camping for a while.

Come venture through our campsite!

Rec Room's 5th Birthday

#recroombirthday #recroom

Happy birthday Rec Room from all of us at the LGBTQ+ Society!

Rec Room Hidden Worlds - Gleeful Gehenna

Some mods and the owner of the LGBTQ Society decided to get together and enter the Hidden Worlds contest. This is their entry. Look up ^GleefulGehenna to get a look for yourself.

Drawing with Alyx

Welcome to the LGBTQ+ Society!


Rec Room Basketball showoffs

Hey, can I try?........HOW??!!
#shorts #recroomshorts #recroom