Helping Hands

Would you like to knit, crochet or quilt to help those in need? Helping hands could use you! We work at home and meet once a month (you do not have to be at the meeting to help). Please call Pat LaFontaine for more information 894-2969

We meet the first Wednesday of the month at 7 PM (weather permitting) September through June come join us for prayer and/or work!. We have had 5-8 people consistently at meetings, we are always open to new ideas. The group is comprised of both church members and community members. The Christian Fellowship is so important and we find we come in tired and dragging but leave energized. We provide hand made prayer quilts, shawls and blankets for those in need. There is always a box of smaller items in the church for people to take for someone who needs a lift right away.

Please see Carol Slabe if you have questions or requests for knit/crocheted items. We are always open to donations of good usable yarn.

Come join us if you have a skill you would like to share; if you would like to participate in our Christian fellowship or have prayer requests for our group. We start our meetings with prayer and we welcome all people.