
So who and what is LFC Seattle?

Well, here's the story so far .....

A long, long time ago, ok it was back in 2009/2010, a couple of guys contacted Liverpool Football club to inquire about how to go about getting a Supporters Club together. Knowing quite a few Reds in the pub we thought it may be fun to get to know each other better and come together with a common goal - Supporting the mighty reds!

So upon this first contact with LFC, it was discovered that a few others already had the same idea. Luckily LFC put us in touch and the rest as they say is history! Except, we were still barely a handful and Liverpool FC were not just going to give us Official status. So thats where the hard work began:

Finally, in March 2013 we got the call. We were official! It was actually quite sudden and it began to dawn on us that we had a lot of hard work ahead of us!

So here we are ... Officially Official!

The next steps were:

So moving forward:

We are looking to create some fun times watching the games as well as put on some events where we can all meet up and get to know each other better. Check out our Mission Statement for more information.