How to Update a Lexmark Printer Driver: A Comprehensive Guide


Keeping your printer’s driver updated is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and compatibility with your computer’s operating system. For Lexmark printer owners, updating the driver can resolve issues, enhance functionality, and introduce new features. This detailed guide provides a step-by-step approach to updating a Lexmark printer driver, ensuring that your device remains in top working condition.

Understanding the Importance of Updating Printer Drivers

Printer drivers are essential software components that facilitate communication between your printer and computer. An outdated driver can lead to problems such as poor print quality, printer errors, and incompatibility with new operating systems or software updates. By regularly updating your Lexmark printer driver, you ensure that your printer operates efficiently and continues to support new applications and hardware.

Step 1: Check Your Printer Model and Current Driver Version

Before you can update your printer driver, you need to know the exact model of your Lexmark printer and the version of the driver currently installed. Here’s how to check this information:

Step 2: Visit the Official Lexmark Website

To ensure you download a safe and correct update, always use the official Lexmark website:

Step 3: Download the Latest Driver

On your printer’s support page, you will find a list of available updates:

Step 4: Prepare for Installation

Before installing the new driver, prepare your system to ensure a smooth update process:

Step 5: Install the Updated Driver

With the new driver downloaded, proceed to install it:

Step 6: Verify the Update

After installation, it’s important to ensure that the Lexmark driver update was successful:

Step 7: Troubleshoot Any Issues

If you encounter problems after updating the driver, consider the following troubleshooting steps:


Regularly updating your Lexmark printer driver is essential for maintaining the functionality and efficiency