From Where I Run

Delaware Raritan Canal


I, like many Marathoners, have a few favorite places for my long runs. For me, the location of my run is just as important as the distance. I look for places where I can run in total peace and escape from reality. Most of my favorite runs are near water and extremely scenic. This is important to me, especially for my long runs, as it gives me something to look forward to each week and keeps me interested in completing the distance. Of course, listening to music on my iPhone is essential when I’m out on a run.


There are several routes that I use regularly as part of my Marathon training. These pictures were taken along the Delaware & Raritan Canal in NJ during a long training run a week before Super Storm Sandy hit. This canal, built in 1830, was used by boats to transport goods from the Delaware River to the Raritan River giving them a faster route from Pennsylvania to NY. It is about 60 miles long and has a dirt trail running alongside of it. I've been using this trail for runs and bike rides for years, hopping on and off at different points along the way depending on my mood and the length of run I need to do.


Right now I’m training for the NY Marathon – something that I’m very, very excited about. I’ve run Boston 4 times, but have never run NY. This year I got in via the Lottery, which really, really surprised me. Since the NY Marathon was canceled last year and with what happened at the Boston Marathon this year, I was expecting a lot more people trying to get in via the lottery and far fewer lottery spots (since last years runners have guaranteed entry for this year). I’ve always wanted to run NY. Doing it this year will make it even more special for me.

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One of my favorite places to run is the Delaware Raritan Canal.  Visit for more of my favorite places to run.



Rich Pollner is an active runner having completed 11 Marathons, including 4 Boston Marathons. The content on this Blog is my own experiencing running.