The software base I am developing for uses a signficant amount of yacc which I don't need to deal with. Some times I think it would be helpful in understanding some problems I find but most of the time I can get away with my complete ignorance of yacc.

Lately I've heard there are a couple of new kids on the block, but the principle is the same: you write a declarative grammar in a format that is more or less in Backus-Naur Form (BNF) and yacc/bison/whatever generates some code for you that would be extremely tedious to write by hand.

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That's because I prefer delivering software on time and budget rather than delivering the greatest new whizz-bang technology - my clients won't pay for my education, they want results first and foremost and I'm already expert at lex/yacc and have all the template code for doing it quickly.

PEGs are the new hotness, but there are still a ton of projects that use yacc or tools more modern than yacc. I would frown on a new project that chose to use yacc, but for existing projects porting to a more modern tool may not make sense. This makes having rough familiarity with yacc a useful skill.

If you're totally unfamiliar with the topic of parser generators I'd encourage you to learn about one, any one. Many of the concepts are portable between them. Also, it's a useful tool to have in the belt: once you know one you'll understand how they can often be superior compared to regex heavy hand written parsers. If you're already comfortable with the topic of parsers, I wouldn't worry about it. You'll learn yacc if and when you need to in order to get something done.

I don't know about yacc/bison specifically, but I have used antlr, cup, jlex and javacc. I thought they would only be of accademic importance, but as it turns out we needed a domain-specific language, and this gave us a much nicer solution than some "simpler" (regex based) parsers out there. Maintenance might be an issue in many environments, though - since most coders these days won't have any experience with parsing tools.

The problem is that that is not safe -- yytext points at the last token extracted, which may be the one after the token you actually want, as bison uses one token lookahead. In general it is never safe to access yytext from your yacc actions (or from functions called from yacc actions), as you don't know which token you're going to get.

Hi everyone, I want to learn how lex and yacc work and how to use them with confidence for all my lexing and parsing problems while coding in C. Can you recommend any good tutorials for them? Also, what are your experiences with using them? Any reason why you would not want to use them again?

I've used lex and yacc (more usually bison) in the past for various projects, usually translators (such as a subset of EDIF streamed into an EDA app). Additionally, I've had to support code based on lex/yacc grammars dating back decades. So I know my way around the tools, though I'm no expert.

The yacc utility shall read a description of a context-free grammar in grammar and write C source code, conformingto the ISO C standard, to a code file, and optionally header information into a header file, in the current directory. The Ccode shall define a function and related routines and macros for an automaton that executes a parsing algorithm meeting therequirements in Algorithms.

The yacc command accepts a language that is used to define a grammar for a target language to be parsed by the tables andcode generated by yacc. The language accepted by yacc as a grammar for the target language is described below usingthe yacc input language itself.

The input grammar includes rules describing the input structure of the target language and code to be invoked when theserules are recognized to provide the associated semantic action. The code to be executed shall appear as bodies of text that areintended to be C-language code. The C-language inclusions are presumed to form a correct function when processed by yaccinto its output files. The code included in this way shall be executed during the recognition of the target language.

Given a grammar, the yacc utility generates the files described in the OUTPUT FILES section. The code file can becompiled and linked using c99. If the declaration and programs sections of the grammarfile did not include definitions of main(), yylex(), and yyerror(), the compiled output requires linking withexternally supplied versions of those functions. Default versions of main() and yyerror() are supplied in theyacc library and can be linked in by using the -l y operand to c99.The yacc library interfaces need not support interfaces with other than the default yy symbol prefix. The applicationprovides the lexical analyzer function, yylex(); the lex utility is specificallydesigned to generate such a routine.

Names are of arbitrary length, made up of letters, periods ( '.' ), underscores ( '_' ), and non-initialdigits. Uppercase and lowercase letters are distinct. Conforming applications shall not use names beginning in yy orYY since the yacc parser uses such names. Many of the names appear in the final output of yacc, and thus theyshould be chosen to conform with any additional rules created by the C compiler to be used. In particular they appear in#define statements.

Usually yacc assigns the relationship between the symbolic names it generates and their underlying numeric value. Thedeclarations section makes it possible to control the assignment of these values.

Because it deals with non-terminals only, assigning a token number or using a literal is also prohibited. If this construct ispresent, yacc shall perform type checking; if this construct is not present, the parse stack shall hold only the inttype.

Every name used in grammar not defined by a %token, %left, %right, or %nonassoc declarationis assumed to represent a non-terminal symbol. The yacc utility shall report an error for any non-terminal symbol that doesnot appear on the left side of at least one grammar rule.

Once the type, precedence, or token number of a name is specified, it shall not be changed. If the first declaration of a tokendoes not assign a token number, yacc shall assign a token number. Once this assignment is made, the token number shall notbe changed by explicit assignment.

By default, the values returned by actions (see below) and the lexical analyzer shall be of type int. The yaccutility keeps track of types, and it shall insert corresponding union member names in order to perform strict type checking of theresulting parser.

Alternatively, given that at least one construct is used, the union can be declared in a header file (whichshall be included in the declarations section by using a #include construct within %{ and %}), and atypedef used to define the symbol YYSTYPE to represent this union. The effect of %union is to provide the declarationof YYSTYPE directly from the yacc input.

The rules section defines the context-free grammar to be accepted by the function yacc generates, and associates withthose rules C-language actions and additional precedence information. The grammar is described below, and a formal definitionfollows.

The symbol A represents a non-terminal name, and BODY represents a sequence of zero or more names,literals, and semantic actions that can then be followed by optional precedence rules. Only the names andliterals participate in the formation of the grammar; the semantic actions and precedence rules are used in other ways. The colonand the semicolon are yacc punctuation. If there are several successive grammar rules with the same left-hand side, thevertical bar '|' can be used to avoid rewriting the left-hand side; in this case the semicolon appears only after the lastrule. The BODY part can be empty (or empty of names and literals) to indicate that the non-terminal symbol matches the emptystring.

These actions can return values and can obtain the values returned by previous actions. These values are kept in objects of typeYYSTYPE (see %union). The result value of the action shall be kept on the parse stack with the left-hand side of the rule,to be accessed by other reductions as part of their right-hand side. By using the information provided in thedeclarations section, the code generated by yacc can be strictly type checked and contain arbitrary information. Inaddition, the lexical analyzer can provide the same kinds of values for tokens, if desired.

The parser produced for an input grammar may contain states in which conflicts occur. The conflicts occur because the grammar isnot LALR(1). An ambiguous grammar always contains at least one LALR(1) conflict. The yacc utility shall resolve allconflicts, using either default rules or user-specified precedence rules.

If the parser and yylex() do not agree on these token numbers, reliable communication between them cannot occur. For(single-byte character) literals, the token is simply the numeric value of the character in the current character set. The numbersfor other tokens can either be chosen by yacc, or chosen by the user. In either case, the #define construct of C isused to allow yylex() to return these numbers symbolically. The #define statements are put into the code file, andthe header file if that file is requested. The set of characters permitted by yacc in an identifier is larger than thatpermitted by C. Token names found to contain such characters shall not be included in the #define declarations.

If the token numbers are chosen by yacc, the tokens other than literals shall be assigned numbers greater than 256,although no order is implied. A token can be explicitly assigned a number by following its first appearance in the declarationssection with a number. Names and literals not defined this way retain their default definition. All token numbers assigned byyacc shall be unique and distinct from the token numbers used for literals and user-assigned tokens. If duplicate tokennumbers cause conflicts in parser generation, yacc shall report an error; otherwise, it is unspecified whether the tokenassignment is accepted or an error is reported. 2351a5e196

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