"Homes for Ukraine" Guests and Hosts - What to do next...
A crowd-sourced site of guidance for helping settle guests from Ukraine into the UK.
Hosting Ukrainian refugees can be immensely rewarding, but undoubtedly is a confusing and occasionally frustrating experience. Helping settle guests into the UK, navigating the benefits system, government bureaucracy, and even getting a UK SIM card will possibly be challenging for some. This page is periodically updated as new information appears and acts as a "brain's trust", pooling collective wisdom. Primarily this site suggests the "order" to do things, and signposts to further resources. Its aimed at those in Lewes and villages but may be helpful to anyone in the UK involved in the "Home For Ukraine" Scheme. I am grateful to the many people whose Facebook output I have shamelessly robbed to build this microsite!
If you haven't already seen the government's web page “Week one guidance for Ukrainians arriving in the UK” take a look as it provides more detailed information and links. This site by contrast just tries to make the process as simple and clear as possible for regular folk.
More in-depth information than found here on support in East Sussex can be found at the following:
Hosts in East Sussex can telephone the council advice line with further questions:
Phone: 01323 724748 10 am to 4 pm, Monday to Friday.
Day to day advice and information for people in Lewes and its surrounds can be found on our Facebook group "Lewes Helps Ukraine". Alternatively, check out our Website lewes4ukraine.org.uk for the latest on events, meetups, offers of help, and employment opportunities.
A suggested order of Events
"The Visa is approved!" - Now What? Cash and Bus passes
After the often horrendous wait for the Permission to Travel, you may like many be experiencing "home preparation anxiety" and furiously cleaning, tidying and generally preparing your accommodation for your new guests. Practically you should as soon as the permission to travel is confirmed contact the local council to let them know. The council should then make arrangements for £200 per person to be handed to the guest(s) on arrival.
In Lewes and East Sussex, the handing out of cash is being undertaken by the 3VA who Lewes District Council have appointed to distribute the money. Once you have informed the council, leave a message on 01323 639373 for 3VA and they will call you back and arrange a convenient drop off location. The sponsee will need to be present themselves to sign for the cash and confirm their identity with their passport.
A recent update from East Sussex County Council gives further details on the payments:
"(guests) can request the payment by cash, cheque or transfer to a UK bank account. Please note, you must complete our household form before they can receive payment.
To request the payment in cash, contact the local voluntary association:
In Eastbourne, Lewes or Wealden - phone 01323 639373
In Hastings - phone 01424 444010
In Rother - phone 01424 217259 or 07871 603235
To request payment by bank transfer (or cheque), please email ukraine@eastsussex.gov.uk
Cheques will be sent by post in 5-7 working days and can be cashed at any branch of NatWest bank."
A Stagecoach travel card is also available from 3VA. Another travel ticket for Brighton and Hove buses can be picked up from the offices in Brighton. (So far, nothing from Compass bus passes for villages outside Lewes.)
Brighton and Hove buses are offering four weeks' free travel to Homes for Ukraine arrivals. To collect a travel pass, your guests should take their passport and visa to one of the company's offices:
1 Stop Travel Shop - 26 North Street, Brighton, BN1 1EB Open Monday to Friday - 0830-18.30, Saturday - 0900-1730, Sunday and Bank Holidays - 0930-1600
Head Office travel shop - 43 Conway Street, Hove BN3 3LT Open Monday to Friday - 0830-1700
Get a UK SIM card
Even before your guests arrive in the UK, sorting a UK SIM card is a vital first step for them to access services and organisations they will need to contact. A UK SIM card is needed for opening bank accounts and applying for Universal Credit.
There are a number of UK SIM card providers for free, cheap, or limited-time deals. The Red Cross send out SIM cards that allow data and calls for three months but these can take a while to arrive. “3” give one-month free in-store while you source better options, or wait for the Red cross SIM to arrive. Vodafone gives a six-month duration SIM, but these are only available through a charity ( details needed). A list of known UK SIM card providers can be found here.
Bank on it
A UK bank account is vital and should be your next step in helping your Ukrainian guest settle into life in the UK. It's vital to do this before applying for Universal credit.
Many high street banks have simplified their rules and requirements for Ukrainian refugees, but it seems to largely depend on how helpful an individual bank employee is in expediting new accounts. HSBC do their Basic Account which does most stuff but it has no credit cards/Overdraft. A number of people have reported good outcomes from Lloyds.
We like a number of other friends opted for the online bank Monzo.com. Whilst not perhaps a familiar company, we were impressed with the ease of sign-up, done via a phone app. There is no need for proof of address but the applicant needs to show their Ukrainian passport and record a short identity verification video. The account is live almost immediately, and the bank card arrived 48 hours later. Like all accounts, it has its pros and cons, but for ease and speed of set-up, it worked well for us. Highley recommended.
Universal Credit & NIN
The £200 welcome money won't last too long. Whilst many Ukrainians will be looking for work, it's important they register for Universal Credit speedily. Applying for UC can be done before a bank account but not before the SIM card. That said if you quickly set up the bank account it means all the details are in place from the UC claim. Applying for Universal credit is done online.
It's worth noting UC doesn't get backdated and takes 4-6 weeks to kick in, so do register asap after arrival. The sponsee will be contacted by the local job centre to prove ID. The online application triggers a call from the Jobcentre and you then must go and see them with two forms of documentation, passport, driver's licence, covid pass, bank statement anything! Our experience was this was straightforward, and the folk at the Job Centre were super helpful.
The Lewes Jobcentre is a 2-min walk from the Lewes railway station
Address: Medwyn House, Mountfield Rd, Lewes BN7 2XR
Phone: 0800 169 0190
Whilst at the Jobcentre apply for a Jobcentre Plus Travel Discount Card. This will discount rail travel, particularly useful before a trip to London, if you need to go there for the Biometric registration process.
A National Insurance Number can be generated from the UC claim or can be applied for online separately https://www.gov.uk/apply-national-insurance-number. ( Our guest applied for the National Insurance number before making a UC claim, and the letter arrived 48 hours after the application).
It's worth reading the government's website “Week one guidance for Ukrainians arriving in the UK” for more details on UC, and indeed all the current information about what to do.
Red Cross Grant
The Red Cross is offering a £50 grant to all guests.
Ideally guest themselves can call the Red Cross (they have interpreters available), but so too can hosts, but the email from the Red Cross requesting copies of identification documentation always goes to the guest. Crucially the call should be made within 14 days of arrival. The number to ring is 08081963651 option 3. They are open between 10 am - 6 pm.
Biometric Residency Permit
Although the Biometric Residence Permit can be applied for any time during the first six months of arriving in the UK, most sponsors and guests are keen to book the appointment as soon as possible. Getting the BRP feels like both the end of the process of getting your guest safely and formally "here" but also for the guest it marks the start of a new life in the UK.
For many in East Sussex, the nearest office, ( at least one with available appointments) to get biometrics taken ( fingerprints and a face photo) is in East Croydon. Many sponsors and guests use the trip for a quick tourist visit to central London on the same day. The appointment itself lasts around 15 minutes. Only the guest can go into the office, and interpreters are available if requested when booking the visit.
Use this link to apply for the Biometric appointment/process;
To apply for Child benefit, print off forms, and have your bank account details available. There have been reports of guests sending actual passports as part of the claims process, but we understand this doesn't need to be done if the Jobcentre make copies and writes on the top in red pen "Homes for Ukraine". Essentially they “certify” the passport copy and ID of the applicant, saving the concern of posting a passport original. Check with the Jobcentre for further details. It's worth noting that child benefits can be backdated for up to three months,
For more details check the following link:
School enrollment needs to be done in the first week. Children legally need to be enrolled, if too traumatised to attend straight away don't delay enrolment but arrange with school appropriate start. Help with uniforms can be arranged through Lewes4Ukraine.
Registering with a GP is pretty straightforward. In Lewes pop into Foundry Healthcare, pick up the forms, complete them, and hand them back and you are good to go. Foundry Healthcare has been registering Ukrainian patients without issue. For those outside Lewes, it's easiest to register your guest with your household GP practice.
Finding an NHS dentist may prove more challenging. At the time of writing, we have no information to share on this point. If you have any information or tips here please let us know!
Eyesight tests and prescriptions are free for claimants of Universal Credit, worth noting once your guest's account is live.
DBS checks & East Sussex County Council
It's important that hosts are registered with East Sussex County Council. This will trigger ( eventually) an email to ask you to complete a DBS check, which the council will pay for.
ESCC send out a very helpful update email on Friday afternoons to hosts. If you are not getting these it could be you are not on the ESCC system, in which case call them on 01323 724748, 10 am to 4 pm, Monday to Friday.
....and then stay in touch
There are a range of meetings and social events, with more happening all the time. The Lewes4 Ukraine website lists Ukranian Cafe's and Events and is updated regularly.
Ukraine Café's in Lewes
An opportunity for guest, sponsors and helpers to meet together. Tea, coffee and other refreshments will be available.
Meet at Christ Church, Prince Edwards Road on a Wednesday morning from 10 am to noon.
Meet at Cliffe Hall, Cliffe High Street on a Thursday afternoon from 1:30 pm to 3:45 pm.
Newick Ukraine Community Support Hub
For host families, refugees and anyone interested in donating or supporting.
Every Friday 10am – midday at Newick Community Centre