So honestly not expecting much because I have been looking for this specific remix since EDC 2018. I heard it while walking back to the shuttle so I don't know whose set it even was. Every time I think about how good the drop sounded my heart breaks a little, so I'm pretty desperate. I will listen to everyone's remixed Levels recommendations, or even if they know of a set that includes a transition from Levels into another song. I'll listen to everything except the Skrillex remix. Thank You

An OPL Synth remix of a real song from my most favourite singer from 80's. I enjoyed creating this pretty much, as I love the sound of the oldschool Adlib/Sound blaster's OPL sound, as well as how I love this particular song. I hope you will like this too, or at least, find it somewhat interesting kind of musical "art".

Level Song Download Mp3 Remix

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Actually, in the original czech version of the song, there's a male voice singing together in the chorus part. Maybe the little off-timing was made intentionally, to mimic two singers singing there. I'm not author of the MIDI, I did just little adjustments in terms of instrument choice and volume balance.

I would point out this one particular song, as this was my very first OPL Synth remix I made intentionally. The story behind this one was, that back in the day I was playing around with OPL Synth stuff (and recorded Plutonia and Plutonia 2 soundtrack with OPL) and listening to various songs from Doom megawads. Some of wads even used a MIDI version of a real song. So I basically spontaneously listened to "kinda OPL remixes" of these songs, and then got a brilliant idea that I could try to remix some of my favourite songs and have fun. I just did not know which song to choose - I did not want to use any globally known song from generally known artists (like Michael Jackson or so) because there would indeed exist remixes of these already and it would not be anything interesting for me. I wanted to be more original and try with an artist from my home country. Then one day later I was randomly riding a car into work and listening to radio. They played a song which impressed me very much, and I just said "that's the song I want to remix".

Well, honestly, this is probably not a song of a genre people would usually use for these kind of "chiptune-like" remixes. So you will probably be very surprised with my choice. I just very like the song and it sounds very emotional to me, and I wanted to make something very original.

Even though I don't know a lick of Czech, the remix in particular is really emotive - makes me want to create a WAD featuring a crumbling baroque palace set in late summer. With waltzing revenants.

Well, not sure if you used a translator to translate the song's lyrics or at least the song's name, but what you say is EXACTLY what this song is about. She's singing a melancholy about the end of summer and and all the summer joy that's going to be the past times. Did you guess that just from the melody?

I'm sorry, but I think I did not understand your question. Any OPL Synth instrument is defined as a set several of integer values, the values which are programmed into OPL chip's registers, defining the ADSR envelope and other parameters of the song. There are many articles and videos explaining how that stuff works.

There is another song from the same album, which reminded me of Decino's video about the origin of Doom sounds. Funnily enough, that song is very loosely connected to Doom, as it features the Rocket Launcher firing sound in it! When I listen to that song, I'm really thinking like I'm firing rockets in Doom. It appears several times, for example at 0:22 and 0:45.

Secondly, this song features a double-voice singing. Basically, the singer sings a duet with herself (starting at 1:07). This is not anything super special, rather a common thing in pop songs, but I specially like it here.

If you know something about Doom's OPL Synth and GENMIDI features, there is support for double-voice instruments, with the detuning of second voice option. I love this feature in particular and use it in lot of instruments (like it was originally used in the Synth Strings for example), as it creates much more interesting and resonating sounds. The double-voice singing in the song in question pretty much reminds me of the same. In that part, it sounds like a double-voice OPL instrument is playing, similar effect.

If you haven't checked yet, I remixed FIVE songs in total from this album, because I just love it. My wish was to remix the complete album, but that's not going to happen, as there are no MIDIs for all the songs, and it would be overwhelming task for me anyway and some songs would not be that good for remixing.

I would add there yet one more remix (maybe you already hit that one, but I'd still like to emphaseize it there). This one is a song that comes from a well-known czech fairy tale (basically a czech version of Cinderella and three hazelnuts), which might also be known outside of Czech, it's especially popular in Norway.

Yes I am from Finland. Our music is quite similar in field of melancholy, taking inspiration from Slavic music. Maybe my example song was a little off because it indeed wrong genre.. It's an cover song of a Schrader music song by artist named Carola.

I'm more familiar with basically two finnish musicians: Loituma and Nightwish, and I'm aware Finland is famous for being the country with the highest concentration of metal bands, indeed I (randomly or intentionally) heard some songs from those.

I know Loituma for their famous song "Levan Polkka", not only because it became a meme song which was one of the most remixed songs on the internet, but mainly because a group of my classmates from a high school where I studied performed that song! Here I have the recording on Youtube: =5106II45V74

And Nightwish is actually my favourite band, especially my brother is listening to their songs. I strongly prefer the symphonic metal genre, the hard metal is not much of my taste. Except very nice instrumental music, it also features an opera/soprano singer, which is what I especially like there.

Funnily enough, my story about Nightwish again starts with Doom and its OPL Synthesizer. I was playing some Doom Wads with OPL synth on, and got to play a map which featured a MIDI of a Nightwish song. So the FIRST thing I ever heard from Nightwish in my life was basically the OPL remix! I especially like that song, and tried to find more from that band. Here I made a quick recording of the OPL version:

Various Doom WADs used various MIDIs of some real songs, so for example I heard Britney Spears's Toxic song in OPL, and countless of other rock/metal songs which are very common genre for Doom. However, the Nightwish song specially hit home due to that emotional singing towards the end of song. The MIDI uses, afaik, the Calliope Lead instrument for both male and female voice. For the male voice it's kinda miss, but for the female voice It was more a fit.

This song was probably the most inspirative to me and lead me to try with my own OPL remixes of my favourite songs. I easily chose Iveta Bartoov because she has (for me subjectively) the nicest voice and I wanted so hear her songs through my beloved OPL synthesizer I spent basically my whole life listening to.

Basically she was one of the best Czech pop stars of late 80's and 90's, not only because her voice and songs, but also dancing performances and trying to get pretty close to the western pop scene, you could see that in the other song which sounded close to a Sonic music. There's another good example: =a_iFr5HtX_4

Her best times were the end of 80's/beginning of 90's, and secondly the late 90's when she made the album I remixed the most. Unfortunately, she was not lucky in personal life and could not easily stand out the attacks of tabloid media and life with her men. She was basically very talented and beautiful princess, but very fragile personality. I believe she was a very good person who liked people, and I can say the whole Czech nation loves her and remembers her songs.

I watched your school band cover and unfortunately either/both the video audio and my laptop audio output quality isn't super good, still some pronounces sounded legit and fluid :D why on earth were they covering a Finnish song from the late 1920's?! It's pretty amusing, heh.

I think that was because that song became extremely popular on internet, for some reason, maybe either because it's very interesting and special song, maybe because of that leek spin anime meme. I'm happy to hear their pronunciation was understandable to you, as I don't understand a word in finnish.

Oh, oh, oh. Well, I was previously shy to say, that, uhm, I don't know Ivan Mladek. Actually, when I looked for him and his songs right now, I realized I knew those songs and I definitely heard them in my life, but I was never explicitly interested and listening them intentionally. You know, when I was a kid, I was much more interested in computer game music, and listened to other music rather passively. I knew a few singers, including Iveta Bartoov, and got more interest basically as an adult. So, that's it, maybe you know better that guy than me.

I was really interested to hear that cover, could not imagine how that song would sound (I already knew the song "Linda"). Your cover seems not to be like what I expected (something like what I did myself, a remix of full song with all the instruments and voice), but rather a hand-made piece of the main part of song. I admit I kinda "cheated" with the use of existing MIDIs, so I'm fascinated you took your effort creating something like this, pretty good. I also like the image in the video. 2351a5e196

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