Do You Want to Know When to See a Chiropractor? Here are the Signs

Deciding whether to visit a chiropractor (click here) or not can be challenging. Though some signs and symptoms may indicate that you need to see a chiropractor for treatment, not all of them can be the case. Feeling some degree of pain after bending over or after playing sports may not necessarily mean that there is an underlying problem a chiropractor should address, and are certain types of pain that could indicate something more serious. As for pain types that merit a visit to a chiropractor, here are some of them:

Back, Joint, and Neck Pain

An issue may cause neck, joint, and back pain with nerve conductivity or blood flow. Through spinal manipulation and adjustments, a chiropractor can help restore their proper functions.


Back pain may also be caused by misalignment of the spine. If you experience pain or discomfort when standing straight, this may be the case. Scoliosis is often undetected and worsens over time, especially if undiagnosed and untreated. If you fail to look after scoliosis, this may lead to severe problems affecting your heart, kidneys, and lungs.

Upper Back Pain

Another pain caused by misalignments of the spine is upper back pain. This type of pain is characterized by difficulty in neck movement with accompanying back stiffness. Upper back pain is a typical reason why people visit the chiropractor.

Migraines and Headaches

If your headaches are becoming more frequent or worsening, you may suffer from an underlying problem with your spine. Chronic migraines and headaches, on the other hand, may be caused by misalignments in your spine. A chiropractor helps by realigning your spine, which improves blood flow. These can reduce the severity and frequency of your headaches and migraines.


If you have been through an auto accident and are experiencing neck pain, you may suffer from whiplash. Whiplash is caused by sudden head movements after an auto accident. This may happen even at low speeds when another vehicle rear-ends yours. If you suffer from neck pain due to whiplash, it is time to consider seeing a chiropractor soon.

Sciatica Pain

When you experience sharp shooting pain down your leg, you may suffer sciatica pain. Sciatica pain is caused by damage to the sciatic nerve. Though usually short-lived, the pain can be excruciating. Without seeing a chiropractor, you may experience this sensation again.

If You Have a Sedentary Lifestyle

You run the risk of developing health problems if you work sitting most of the time or if you lack exercise. Chiropractors can help you correct your lifestyle issues by providing holistic care advice, aside from chiropractic treatments that you may require if you develop the types of pain mentioned previously.

Limited Range of Motion

Typically, these may come as signs of aging. However, with treatment, you may regain most of the range of motion you lost. If you notice a decreased range of motion or have lost some strength when trying to move your body, it is time to consider seeking professional help to look into your problem.

When Should You Not See A Chiropractor?

If you have injuries, such as fractures, or arthritis, you need to see a doctor for treatment. In the case of accidents, you need to have yourself examined first for possible spinal cord injury, for instance, before considering seeing a chiropractor.

Takeaways: Chiropractors are More Than Just for Pain Treatments

Chiropractors deal with neuromusculoskeletal problems: the bones, nerves, tendons, muscles, and ligaments. They help manage neck and back pain through chiropractic treatment which may include spinal adjustments to maintain alignment. However, since they are focused on your body’s ability to heal, they also provide treatments like exercise and nutrition. To help manage your overall health and improve your quality of life, a chiropractor is an ideal partner that can help you achieve these.