
MAY 9 - eTwinning Day

Teacher: Halil ÖNGÖREN

School: Şehit Hakan İncekar Secondary School

Grade: 5

Activities: Our 5th grade students celebrated the 9th of May eTwinning day. Our eTwinning and Let’s Live Sustainably project is full of fun and educational achievements for our students. We share our video where these achievements are presented in English.

In addition, my students prepared a media literacy logo with the canva application

MAY 22 - Biodiversity Day

Teacher: Halil ÖNGÖREN

School: Şehit Hakan İncekar Secondary School

Grade: 5

Activities: Our students prepared the presentations of plant and animal species specific to Turkey for the Biodiversity Day with various web 2.0 tools. then they uploaded padlet.

In our school, we played the kahoot challenge game in accordance with the biodiversity day celebrations and science lesson acquisition in all 5th grades. It was very entertaining and educational.

10-16 MAY


School: Şehit Hakan İncekar Secondary School / Menderes / İZMİR

Teacher: Halil ÖNGÖREN

5th grade

Subject: Civic education Sustainable Goal : 4, 8, 10, 11, 17

Activities: We have prepared braille alphabet for the visually impaired. We have created a meaningful message with this alphabet. We wrote slogans, prepared videos and presented these works with a webinar.

Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Hedeflerinde 2030 yılına kadar gerçekleştirilmesi planlanan, açlık ve yoksulluğu sona erdirmek, eşitsizlik ve adaletsizlikle mücadele, sağlıklı yaşamın güvenceye alınması gibi on yedi hedef belirlenmiştir. Bu on yedi hedeften beşinde engellilere özellikle atıfta bulunulmaktadır. Bu çalışmada engellilerin güçlendirilmesi bağlamında, bu beş hedef değerlendirilmiştir. Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Hedefleri içerisinde engellilere yapılan vurgu değerli bir kazanımdır. Ancak bu kazanımın somut politikalarla desteklenmesi gerekmektedir.

****Sürdürülebilir kalkınma tüm insanlığın esenlik ve refahının evrensel bir takım ilkeler çerçevesinde gerçekleştirilme çabasıdır.

In Sustainable Development Goals End hunger and poverty, inequality and Seventeen targets were determined, such as combating injustice and securing a healthy life. Of these seventeen goals five of them specifically refer to people with disabilities. In this study, in the context of empowerment of people with disabilities, these five goals evaluated. The emphasis on the disabled in the Sustainable Development Goals is a valuable achievement. But This achievement needs to be supported by concrete policies.

****Sustainable development is all It is an effort to realize the well-being and welfare of humanity within the framework of a set of universal principles.

Primary school kraljice Jelene, Solin, Croatia (PŠ Mravince)

Biodiversity Day - May 22

The students of the 4th grade of Primary School kraljica Jelena (PŠ Mravince) marked the Day of Biological Diversity by choosing a plant and life from their homeland and making works of art. Some drew and others shaped.

They are aware that our planet is home to many plants and animals and that we need to preserve and protect them because biodiversity means richness.

Our art works