I was dismayed that the beautiful lyrics that had made knowledge about God accessible to the masses had been traded in for cheap slogans. Conduct that once demonstrated reverence was replaced with behavior that could fit in at Coachella. I suppose that long gone are the days of Bach and his unrivaled genius but I wonder: How are Christians supposed to combat the scourge of secularism by conforming more to it?

Some religious authorities blame it on secularization, others on millennials, others on technology or on snobbish church-goers. Many of these diagnoses may very well be true, but how is the church going about solving these problems?

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What happened to corporate confession of sin? To communion? Why do mission trips double as exotic vacations while outreach to local communities has atrophied to the extent that churches are the most segregated institutions in the nation?

A dear friend recently recounted to me an experience that highlights this problem to a tee. The church in Seattle he recently joined was sending a group of adolescents (plus an appropriate number of chaperones) for a missions trip to Hawaii to address the issue of homelessness.

Now do the homeless populations of Oahu need Jesus just as much as anyone? Of course. But does this group of teens and their parents need to take an expensive (and sponsored) trip to a tropical island where over 40 vibrant church communities already work in this area of ministry? Probably not. Especially considering the fact that this church was conveniently located in the city with the third largest homeless population in the country (behind New York and Los Angeles, respectively).

Truth is always relevant and it is always in short supply. The only place to find truth in abundance is in the Holy Scriptures. Humanity and its problems are constantly shifting but sin is ever present and the need for a Redeemer is ever unwavering.

I think you are confusing evangelism with worship. Two different goals, purposes, and actions. You are correct that evangelism requires that we meet people where they are at. However, I think worship requires that we approach God with a different purpose. That most likely will take on a different form.

I have a direct question Ausley, and it is result oriented. Since you have been trying to gain them with this approach, how many of them have you gained and retained in the faith for a minimum of 1 year?

-The human mind CANNOT help God.

Your piece is so welcome reading to my eyes. Thank you for putting this so eloquently. The expository preaching of the scriptures, something that takes a lot of work, time and effort, is not on the top of the majority of our American pastors. The emotion of music that has an aroma of the culture has replaced the scriptures.

Worship comes from a heart that knows it has been saved by grace. If your heart can only worship with the old hymns, then you should by all means stick with them. I happen to love both musical sytles and find my heart worshipping and seeking to glorify our awesome God in contemporary music just as much as old hymns. Many conteporary songs quote scripture as well. Who are you to judge entire churches by music or lighting? Do either let you see hearts? Do you think all contemporary services are the same? I have been to churches steeped in the old hymns that were completely dead. I think you might be surprised by the worship in heaven.

Along with the modernized laser light show has come the form fitting skin tight clothes of the worship leaders. I can now get a full visual of what a womans bust size is and what her hips and rear look like. Its eye candy to go al9ng with my spiritual meal. And the skinny jeans on the guys with mohawks is encouraging as well

What would Paul have to say about about the situation is what I ask myself. I am not getting a definite answer. Personally I like some of the contemporary services. Though it seems like through out history the churches and church leaders seem to be of the more simple, common nature. If the lights were turned up and the the music turned down in the mega churches, would the word of God be enough to attract and keep the crowds?

Worship is a lifestyle of personal devotion. What we do in secret comes to light. If we Christians would take more time to pray, fast and read the Bible in our daily lives, we would actually become the thermostat in our churches instead of the thermometer. Let us not forget that the body of believers are the church who assemble in a building.

I I know this will age me, but I was taught that praise and worship served a purpose, and that was to bring us into the throne room of God and prepare us to hear what God wanted to say to us. It was a way of setting aside the worries and concerns of daily life, unifying us as a people, and focusing on the One who could give us hope when all hope was lost. It was, at times, a sacrifice, especially when we were struggling or hurting or angry. It was a way of declaring that even in the midst of our trials and tribulations, God was still on the throne, and we were going to set aside this time to focus on Him instead of ourselves.

I have been saved by the grace of our Lord and savior in 1981 and have been studying scriptures ever since. I was very much of interested in night life and I was a drummer in night clubs back in my day before I came to the LIGHT our LORD and SAVIOR . I was invited to use my talent in a local church where we used our instruments to praise our Mighty GOD. We were able to see at times how the HOLY SPRIT was moving and Blessing the people many times because the church was well LIT UP. Recently my wife and I were visiting a local church and to my amazement the nightclub of darkness and colored lights were the theme of the sanctuary. No where will anyone find in scriptures that we do well in the dark. PLEASE LIGHT UP HIS HOUSE.

These lyrics are an expression of the power of light to break through even our darkest moments and bring hope, joy, and peace. They speak to the transformation that happens when we are willing to accept the love of God and surrender ourselves to it. The lyrics remind us that we can only truly experience true freedom and redemption when we accept the divine light into our lives.

With all the additional moving parts that come with planning a worship service, we want you to have the peace of mind to know that your team is going to show up, fully prepared knowing every part for each of the songs on your set.

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