
"Sustainability of Seaweed Supply and Price Dynamics in the Chinese Hydrocolloid Industry" Aquaculture Economics & Management. 2024.  Co-authors: Jorge Dresdner, Janina Figueroa, Andrea  Araya, and Elizabeth Palta

"What drives stocking density decisions in the Chilean salmon industry? A retrospective analysis of stocking regulations".   Aquaculture Economics & Management. 2024. Co-author: José Moncayo and Rubén Avendaño.

"The Impact of Monetary Policy on a Labor Market with Heterogeneous Workers: The Case of Chile" . 2023.  Latin American Journal of Central Banking, 2023, volume 4, issue 2. . Co-author: Carlos Madeira.  

"La autonomía universitaria en Chile: entre el Estado y el Mercado (1981-2020)". Revista Chilena de Derecho y Ciencia Política, 2022, Vol. 13, No 2, pag. 182-206.  Co-author: Alfonso Henríquez, Matías Isla, Violeta Montero.

"Do Chilean imports lead prices in the EU mussel market? ". Aquaculture Economics & Management, 2022, Vol. 27, 207-220. 10.1080/13657305.2022.2089771. Co-author: Jorge Dresdner.

"Market Integration and Price Leadership: The U.S. Atlantic Salmon Market ". Aquaculture Economics & Management, 2021, Vol. 25, 245-259. Co-author: Jorge Dresdner. 

"The Phillips Curve and the Role of Monetary Policy in Chile". Journal of Applied Economics, 2019, 22:1, 1-22.  doi:10.1080/15140326.2018.1526865.

"Modelling Real Exchange Rate Persistence in Chile". Econometrics, 2017, 5(3), 29. doi:10.3390/econometrics5030029.

"¿Existe Rigidez en el Ajuste del Empleo en Chile?". El Trimestre Económico, 2017, Vol. 84, Número 333. doi:10.20430/ete.v84i333.262. Co-author: Jorge Dresdner, Miguel Quiroga, Juan Riquelme y Grethel Zurita.

"The Impact of Monetary Policy on a Labor Market with Heterogeneous Workers: The Case of Chile" . 2023.  Documentos de Trabajo No 980, Banco Central de Chile.  . Co-author: Carlos Madeira.  

"The Effect of the Minimum Wage on Employment and Hours Worked: The Case of Household Workers in Chile".