LERA 2019

2nd Workshop on Large Scale Emotion Recognition and Analysis @ IEEE FG 2019


Abhinav Dhall, Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar

Yelin Kim, Amazon Lab 126

Qiang Ji, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Senior Program Committee

Hazim Ekenel, Instanbul Technical University

Laszlo Jeni, Carnegie Mellon University

Tanaya Guha, University of Warwick

Brendan Jou, Google

Mohammad Mahoor, University of Denver

Aleix Martinez, Ohio State University

Hongying Meng, Brunel University

Marwa Mahmoud, University of Cambridge

Aditya Nigam, Indian Institute of Technology Mandi

Fabien Ringeval, Universtie Grenoble-Alpes

Ramanathan Subramanian, University of Glasgow, Singapore