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The 1990s were the decade of college horror movies. There definitely were some movies set around universities in previous years, but none were as synonymous. The entries from the 90s are some of the most memorable of all time. 8__________ (the movie was set to make its premiere at SXSW as Dembanger) is a throwback to those days. The movie is about a rash of mysterious killings at a university. All them seemed to tied to social media and an exclamation point.

Social media is an integral part of the film9__It is becoming more common to see notifications and text messages pop up in movies. Unsurprisingly, it is seen a lot here. The use of technology is more seamless than is usually seen. Instead of just having balloon pop ups (which is a nice touch more often than not), the notifications are almost a part of the background. It is a great idea that shows just how deeply embedded in society social media and texting has become.

The 1990s were a fun era for horror movies. While not as good as the previous decade, there was a sense of fun that makes those films recognizable. Though they may be the target audience, its shockingly violent kills make it more than just another teen horror. Much like the movies it pays homage to, 10___________is a flawed but fun horror flick.

A Java class defines what objects of the class know (attributes) and what they can do (behaviors). Each class has ____________ like World() and Turtle(habitat) which are used to initialize the attributes in a newly created object.

A new object is created with the new keyword followed by the class name (new Class()). When this code executes, it creates a new object of the specified class and calls a constructor, which has the same name as the class. For example, new World() creates and initializes a new object of the World class, and new Turtle(habitat) creates and initializes a new Turtle object in the World habitat.

There can also be other constructors that take parameters like the Turtle(habitat) constructor call above. A 1_________ (also called 2________________ or 3________) is a value that is passed into a constructor. It can be used to initialize the attribute of an object.

You can also declare an 4_______________ and initialize it to 5____ (Turtle t1 = null;). An object variable holds a 6_________ to an object. A 7_________ is a way to find the object in memory. It is like a tracking number that you can use to track the location of a package.

In Unit 5, you will learn to write your own classes. However, if you see a class definition on the AP exam, like the one below for a class called Date, you should be able to pick out the attributes (instance variables) and the constructors and know how to use them. 5376163bf9

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