Léonard Bocquet

Welcome ! 

I am a postdoct at the University of Cambridge, affiliated to Trinity college, and working with Vasco Carvalho

Previously, I was a PhD student at the Paris School of Economics. In Spring 2022, I was visiting Ben Moll and Ricardo Reis at the London School of Economics.

My research interests cover Macroeconomics, Labor Economics and Trade. I also have an interest in tools from Network Economics. 

Contact lb2058 (at) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk

CV link to CV here


The Network Origin of Slow Labor Reallocation [new draft[slides] [slides short]

Why do workers displaced by technological or trade shocks reallocate slowly to other occupations? This paper builds a network of skill frictions across occupations, where nodes are occupations and edges denote possible transitions. Leveraging HR data on skills, I show that the occupation network is sparse, with tightly-connected clusters and few bridge occupations linking them. Moreover, French administrative data reveal that transitions through bridge occupations facilitate reallocation to better employment opportunities. To explain this, I develop a theoretical model of job search within networks, demonstrating that bridge occupations can create bottlenecks that significantly affect reallocation speed. I further enrich the model with quantitative extensions, generalizing dynamic hat-algebra techniques for estimation and solution. Calibrating on French data, I find that automation and AI result in slow reallocation; however, employment policies targeting bridge occupations can substantially accelerate reallocation. This suggests that the structure of the occupation network matters for labor market policies.

Presented: PSE Internal Macro seminar, PSE-Sciences Po GSIE seminar, Networks and Games seminar - Paris I-Pantheon Sorbonne, Junior Search and Matching seminar 2022, Cambridge Junior Network workshop 2022, PSE-Labor Chair Workshop, Sciences Po IO/Trade reading group, 8th Annual Conference on Network Science and Economic, 2nd PSE-Sciences Po-OCFCE workshop, 8th European Networks Conference, RES conference 2023, 18th Doctorissimes conference, 4th London E1 Workshop on Quantitative Macroeconomics, Theories and Methods in Macroeconomics 2023, BSE Summer Forum 2023 - Macro Fluctuations with Micro Frictions, AFSE conference 2023, EALE 2023, Cambridge Janeway Institute-Macro seminar, Cambridge Network Seminar, KCL-College de France Junior Research Day 2023, EALE 2024* (scheduled)


On Worker Reallocation and Gender Norms (with Kenza Elass)

On Bargaining in Firm Networks

An Analytical Theory of Imperfect Firm Selection