
MIGOTTI, L., DECULTOT, Q., GRAILHE, P. and AUCOUTURIER, J.-J (2023). "Cracking the pitch code of music-motor synchronization using data-driven methods." [link]

MIGOTTI, L. & GUERRINI, J. (2021). "Linguistic inferences from musical gestures: pro-speech music triggers scalar implicatures, presuppositions, and homogeneity inferences." Linguistics & Philosophy. [link]

MIGOTTI, L. & ZARADZKI, L. (2019). "Walk-denoting music: refining music semantics." Proceedings of the 22nd Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam, Netherlands. [link]

MIGOTTI, L. (2019). "Towards a theory of music semantics", MA thesis, Institut Jean Nicod, ENS Paris. [link]