An in-app survey will now appear on the homepages of instructors and admins using Feedback Studio via and This quick, dismissable questionnaire asks instructors and admins to rate how likely they are to recommend TFS to a co-worker and asks how we can improve the product.

For example, If a submission point is succesfully submitted to turnitin and is awaiting similarity score for that assignment, it sets a 'pending' status in the plagiarism_files table. After that point, if we switch to the moodledirectv2 plugin, will it process those files and fetch the similarity score for that assignment.

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Also, when you first add a submission to an assignment that is turnitin enabled, the new plugin adds a statuscode of 'success' and sets the similarity score to NULL which is then picked up by the code above.

"turnitintooltwo/There was an error trying to find the user in Turnitin Fault Code: VersionMismatch | File: [dirroot]/mod/turnitintooltwo/sdk/usersoap.class.php | Line: 157 | Message: Wrong Version | Code: 0"

I had already set up the secret key and account ID on the turnitin site; however, there were issues with php and cURL support. I ended up recompiling PHP with cURL support and then passed through fine.

The version of the plugin on and on github are currently the same. The most up to date will always be on the develop branch on github, the master branch will then be updated at the same time as the version on

In order to create the credentials necessary to run the Turnitin Moodle Direct integration activity module the account administrator should log into their Turnitin account at either or depending on your account settings.

The activity module follows standard Moodle installation guidelines, to install the code package unzip the code package and copy the directory 'turnitintool' to the 'mod' directory. A typical install would be in '/mod/turnitintool'. be457b7860

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