
7/11/22 - Based on what Dr. Dad-del said this morning, what interpersonal relationship skills "stones" have you picked up about living with others in a dorm or working with others collaboratively?

I picked up multiple stones today. To live in a dorm I have to be more flexible than when I am at home. I have to accommodate the habits of my roommate as well as the habits of the people who live on my floor and in my building. Sometimes I have to wait for the bathroom or the shower. It also takes flexibility and compromise to organize outings with friends and my cluster. Outside of the dorms, I learned that my teachers are resources and that I should concentrate on finding “stones” in all of my activities and to turn to precious stones later.

7/12/22 - Reflect on how you deal with frustration.

I deal with frusturation by doing things that relax me and that I love. I usually go for a run, walk my dog, listen to music or watch anime. I try not to dwell on things, especially when they are out of my control.

7/13/22 - How well do you understand the relationship between rotational and linear motion? Also assess yourself emotionally- how do you feel about your time at COSMOS, so far?

The sprayer had a battery that used magnets to turn a gear vertically. There was a subsequent gear that was placed horizontally, but interlocked with the vertical gear, which was used to pump the mechanism that pumped the water through the tube and out of the front of the sprayer. When the gear circled around once it would complete one cycle of suctioning water in and one cycle of spraying water out.

7/14/22 - What ethical concerns could result in what the distinguished lecturer discussed yesterday?​

7/15/22 - Speculate as to why you think people like Tesla become overly credited for innovation (and other achievements). Reflect on how important is fame to you.