Ash Wednesday & Lent (in Lego)

Ash Wednesday! 

Why do We Practice Fast & Abstinence

Fasting cuts out distractions so we can focus on God! 

Why do we pray during Lent? 

Me First and the Gimme Gimmes

What is almsgiving, anyway? 

Pretzels have been a traditional food for Lent for over 1000 years! Listen to a story and the learn about the origin of pretzels. There is also  a simple recipe to make pretzels for yourself . 

Brother Lorenzo's Pretzels 

by Cornelia Mary Bilinsky, and illustrated by John Joseph. 

How to make pretzels

Lent Video.MOV

Guided mediation of Jesus'  

Temptation in the Desert


Colouring and Activities to Download and Print

The stations of the cross is a great way of reflecting the love of Jesus towards us; the extremes to where Jesus would go in his sufferings even though he did not have to. 


The Triumphal Entry

The Story of Palm Sunday (in Lego)


Jesus Washes His Disciples Feet

The Last Supper

Jesus' Suffering and Death


The Story of Easter

The Story of Easter, then, experience the wonder of the fulfillment of God’s promise to His chosen people as Jesus ascends into Heaven in the glorious miracle of the Resurection! 

The Easter Story (in Lego)

The Sunday Readings from Catholic Kids Media 

1st Sunday of Lent

2nd Sunday of Lent

3rd Sunday of Lent

4th Sunday of Lent

5th Sunday of Lent

Passion Sunday

Easter Sunday