Retreat Resources

The resources for each week can be found online through Creighton University's website. You have the option to read the material online or you can listen to the full audio version for each week. Please select one of the links to begin your retreat.

Suggestions to enter into a Lenten Retreat

Week of Ash Wed: Our life story (3/7)

First Week of Lent: Perspective (3/14)

Second Week of Lent: Sin (3/21)

Third Week of Lent: God's love (3/28)

Fourth Week of Lent: Invitation of love (4/4)

Fifth Week of Lent: Jesus as water, light, life (4/11)

Holy Week: Jesus dies for us (4/18) **

Easter Week: Jesus is risen (4/25)

Second Sunday of Easter: Our response (5/2)

Retreat Registration | FAQ | Retreat Schedule | Retreat Evaluation

Contacts: Tim Wiryaman ( or Sophia Barron (

** Please note there will be no meeting for Holy Week, April 18, 2019.