Spirit Days

Thank you all for your amazing Superstar Spirit!!

Winners for Superstar Day were Kindergarten and 4th Grade!

Winners for Blue Out Day were 2nd Grade and 3rd Grade!

Winnders for PJ/Stuffie Day were Kindergarten/1st Grade and 4th/5th Grade!

Winners for Character Day were 1st Grade and 4th Grade!

Winners for Dress Up Day were 2nd and 5th Grade!

Winners for Run Day were 2nd and 5th Grade!

And the overall winners, by a very close margin, were 2nd and 5th Grade!

There will be a winning grade chosen each day for Primary and Intermediate.  The overall most spirited grades will be the first to win the new Spirit Cups.  This is all about positivity for your grade!  No negativity towards other grades or any classmates that choose, for whatever reason, not to participate. Remember that learning still needs to happen and everything you wear should be school appropriate.