Leicester Theological Society

It's only human
to talk of God...

Welcome to the Leicester Theological Society, an ecumenical organisation founded in 1958. Our aim is to provide a platform for serious theological debate which is both challenging to those with theological training and intelligible to the thinking lay person. The Society welcomes both new members and others who may find it more convenient to attend occasional meetings. 

All meetings take place on the second Friday of the month and begin at 7.30pm. We hope to return to the Frassati Centre (Holy Cross Priory), Wellington Street, Leicester, LE1 6HW (see map below). We will also aim to live stream the meetings  on Zoom, where you can access the meetings with a computer, tablet or smartphone, or you can join from any telephone. Please sign up for our mailing list, below, to receive further details.

Annual Subscription £15.00; Occasional Meetings £5.00; Students No Charge

Find us on Facebook here.

Please subscribe for updates!
If you wish to receive updates from the Leicester Theological Society and invitations to our Zoom meetings, please enter your contact details in the form below. We will keep you informed about our upcoming lectures. This is also how you will find out about any changes to the programme. 

It is with sadness that we announce the very recent deaths of two of our past presidents, Michael Sweeney and Mary Warrener. Michael's funeral will be at Holy Cross on June 19th at 10.30 and Mary Warrener's at St Thomas More Church on June 27 at 2.30.