In the 2024 Fall semester, the seminars will be held both online and in-person (CU 215).  Online talks are usually on Thursdays starting at 4:30 PM, and in-person talks will be on Mondays at 4:20 PM.

Organizers: Huai-Dong Cao, Ao Sun, Xiaofeng Sun.

If you are interested in participating in the seminar, please email Ao (aos223 at lehigh dot edu).

Thursday 06/13/24 (in-person, 2:30 - 3:30, CU 215) (Special time!)

Speaker: Jonathan Zhu (University of Washington)

Title: Distance comparison principles for curve shortening flows

Abstract: For closed curves evolving by their curvature, the theorem of Gage-Hamilton and Grayson establishes that an embedded curve contracts to a round point. An efficient proof was later found by Huisken, with improvements by Andrews-Bryan, which uses multi-point maximum principle techniques. We’ll discuss the use of these techniques in other settings, particularly for the long-time behaviour of curve shortening flow with free boundary.

Thursday 06/13/24 (in-person, 4:00 - 5:00, CU 215) (Special time!)

Speaker: Zhihan Wang (University of Chicago)

Title: Generic regularity for minimizing hypersurfaces in dimension 11

Abstract: I'll discuss an upcoming work joint with Otis Chodosh, Christos Mantoulidis and Felix Schulze, in which we prove generic regularity of area-minimizing hypersurfaces in ambient dimension 11, extending the previous result of my co-authors in dimension 9 & 10.

Monday 09/16/24 (in-person, 4:20 - 5:20, CU 215)

Speaker: Tamás Darvas (University of Maryland)

Title: TBD

Abstract: TBD