When is this?

This starts at the end of November and will run through Christmas. You can join in when you have time. The site will always be live so you can access whenever you need it, but we will be promoting and share through December.

Where is this?

Right here on the site. Everything you need is on this site. We have a Facebook Group to share images and connect with others, a hashtag (#legoornament and #buildtogive), and all ornaments will be shared here on on the site.

What age group?

Young enough to build with Duplo and old enough to never lose the joy of building.

Basically, there are not restrictions.

How does this work?

Head over to any of the build ideas and follow the instructions.

1. Build that ornament challenge

2. Share it through the channels that work for you

3. Repeat with another build

Can we submit more than one build a day?

Absolutely! You make it work for you. You can build as little or as much as you wish whenever you wish.

Do I have to build in the order of the site?

You can build any ornament and in any order you wish. I will promote one ornament idea each day, but you can build whatever one you want.

Where do I sign up for daily emails and updates?

You can join in on the fun whenever you wish. It is not too late to join the building and sharing. If you want updates, there is a registration form to receive emails about this challenge.

What LEGO elements do I need?

You can build with any LEGO you have available. There is no wrong element or idea. The fact you are building is the real power in this challenge.

How do I share my ornaments?

    • We have a Facebook Group for people to share builds and ideas. If the link does not work, then search for LEGO Ornament Challenge and it should pop up.
    • You can email your builds aarmau (at) gmail (dot) com
    • On the website for each build we also have a Flipgrid link so builders can share a video to either show all aspects, explain the build, or provide context to the ornament. We have two great Flipgrid examples for Santa already loaded from a classroom.
    • If you are on Twitter, then you can share using #BuildToGive so LEGO can see your builds, but please include me @aaronmaureredu so I can see your build.