Even though the Minecraft Legacy Launcher became unsupported since March 10, 2022, I am still able to use the Legacy Launcher to play the game as of April 18, 2023. I still am using a Mojang Studios account in order to use the old launcher for a few reasons I'll list below, though I am planning to migrate it soon. I have regularly played (at least one login every 1-2 weeks) Minecraft 1.8.9 using the Legacy Launcher without encountering any problems since the beginning of 2022.

I believe this is due to the presence of the "launcher.pack.lzma" file in my Minecraft directory. When I installed and tested the Legacy Launcher on a new computer back in November 23, 2022, it would open and then stop in the initial log screen after 10 failed attempts to download the lzma file. Then there is an error saying the lzma file failed to download and I need to restart the launcher. Since this file is already installed on an older computer I'm using, I can start Minecraft up with the Legacy Launcher without this issue. I still get the 10 failed attempts and download error message, but the launcher skips that and opens correctly anyways because I have the lzma file already installed in my directory.

Legacy Launcher Download

Download File 🔥 https://urlgoal.com/2y3Bp0 🔥

Linked to this post is a video showing me launch Minecraft 1.8.9 with the Legacy Launcher as proof of this working (this also works with the latest version of Minecraft as long as I use the 1.6.93 launcher which I also installed but didn't use in the video), as well as a couple of text files containing the launcher logs of this session. I had trouble posting these, so they're in a public Google Drive that's linked here. The video will show the Legacy Launcher starting with errors, but then working correctly where I can then launch the game and play it normally. Reasons why I didn't update yet include the following: (1) Back when my account was created in March 2012, it was a shared account between me and my brother and logged in from a couple of computers. I was initially hesitant to migrate it to a Microsoft account as this would remove my brother's access to the account, although he told me this was fine since he didn't play the game anymore as of last November. (2) I didn't yet accept having to switch launchers because of the new launcher's looks for a long time, but over the past month, I've come to terms with this and now have appreciation and excitement for the new launcher. (3) Frequently, I play modded Minecraft using the Technic Launcher which I heard is not compatible with Microsoft accounts. This means once I migrate my account, I won't be able to use the Technic Launcher until it supports Microsoft accounts. I hope this post was interesting. Any reactions and thoughts that you have are greatly appreciated.

Recently I read an article about how Tlauncher came into being. And there were all ill notes about tlauncher.org. Whereas I found a comment where they say the legacy Tlauncher from mc-launcher.com is quite safer. I went on to try that out and it reveals that this launcher was the original launcher I played on before. I thought it could be convenient for other users so I made this post.

TL Legacy Launcher (1.20.4, 1.19.4) is a simple, lightweight and yet highly customizeable alternative Minecraft launcher. It features pre-made modded versions (Forge, Optifine and Fabric) as well as optional per-version game profile folders, keeping data from different versions in different subfolders.

TL Launcher is the most popular launcher at the moment. A record number of players use it every day. It is because with this program you can play both the pirated and licensed versions of Minecraft. But this is not the main advantage of the launcher. The main feature is its cross-platform character. You can run the program on Windows, Linux, or Mac OS.

According to the bug report the older legacy launcher '{has} an error that occurs only when launching 1.14.4, 19w36a, or versions that have been released after 19w36a. It happens because the legacy launcher does seem to have problems with downloading and installing the newer version files.'

I can't test this as when I try to start it tells me that since I am already using the newer launcher - to run the older one it need to reset all my configuration - which is something I don't want to do

I am attempting to play Phobia - The Age, which apparently requires use of the Legacy source port. The problem is that the latest builds of Legacy (1.44) do not include a launcher, even though the 1.44 User Reference Manual says it should be included under the install section: . What am I missing? The 1.42 build does include a Launcher, but it crashes whenever I attempt to use OpenGL. I am downloading the 1.44 builds from the official site: Can anyone explain what I need to do? I would very much appreciate any help.

P.S. In the 1.42 build, the launcher only seems to allow for the loading of IWADs. How are PWADs loaded in Legacy? Thanks.

I used C#4rp Doom Launcher on 1.44 and it launched Legacy ok. I didn't test it after that tho as I couldn't get it to run in my resolution probably because it's stuck in software mode and I don't know the trick to changing it.. :p Anyhow, I only installed Legacy to see if it would run with that launcher.

So a while back Mojang (Microsoft) mandated the use of Microsoft accounts to further continue to play Minecraft Java Edition, which also meant the discontinuation of the Legacy Minecraft Launcher.

I personally dont like the current Minecraft Launcher, because its very slow compared to the old launcher and would like to have the old one from the picture above back.

Is there some alternative Launcher out there that at least looks like the legacy launcher?

Or is there maybe a way to modify the old Launcher to work with Microsoft accounts?

Thats like the first search result that comes up when you type "alternative minecraft launcher"

Furthermore none of the launchers listed there fit to what im looking for, which is a launcher similar to the one in the image.

And yes i know that BetaCraft exists and i really like it, but its not able to launch newer versions of Minecraft

If you're in Android Studio, and you do "Image Asset" in the Resource Manager's add (+) menu, you can take the 512x512 icon and it will generate the others for you, including a legacy version - there are a few options like Round, Square, and some weird long ones.

Just eyeballing it, they look identical to the standard Round Icon and Square Icon previews for the adaptive icons that get generated, I think they're just literally taking either of those and making a "legacy" copy.

I dont use the launcher either, I do get screamers on every dedicated server I've made. You have to produce "heat", like a bunch of furnace, campfire and so on or go nuts with the auto shutgun. Even tho, in the low levels they are less likely to appear, I usually see the first screamer around lvl 15-20 ish.

Another day another question how can i know if there is an update available for Undead Legacy? There is an update-button in the launcher, but it allways says update available, regardless of updates being actually available or not. Thanks!

@Nikita790 For the dependencies, I listed 'java-runtime', which can be multiple things. Therefore, the AUR website will list everything that 'java-runtime' can be, and jre8-openjdk is one of them. 'minecraft-launcher' does the same thing.

I have a strong personal preference against adaptive icons. I hate how they make everything look the same and less distinctive. I know apps are required to have them, but most apps still also package a "legacy" icon that has a distinct shape. It seems like every launcher uses the adaptive icons if available though and the extent of their customization in regards to icons is choosing which shape you want every single app to be.

Using this method requires that you to regenerate and install the pack every time you install a new app, but it will hopefully always would and will let you use any of the launchers supported by Icon Pack Studio. and then do the following steps periodically to create an icon pack that is just your icons but not adaptive:

I was watching the recent stream and he mentioned he doesn't stream Beatsaber due to the frequent updates breaking mods there's this launcher called "Beat Saber Legacy Launcher" ( ) that with a valid steam login will install and launch any version of beat saber separately so that it won't update, so you can separately mod each version. It even includes shared folders between versions so you can have your custom songs, Sabers , and environments saved between versions.

If you're able to launch the updated launcher (2.x.x), it is recommended to update to this one instead. You can find the download links for it here. If you're not able to launch the 2.x.x launcher, please create a new ticket about that.

This is an error that occurs only when launching 1.14.4, 19w36a, or versions that have been released after 19w36a. It happens because the legacy launcher does seem to have problems with downloading and installing the newer version files.

To work around this issue, you can install versions you want to play manually. This is a rather tedious task. If you can use the updated launcher, or a third party launcher (such as MultiMC), you might want to use those. (Beware of pirated third-party launchers though, they might steal your login data.) 2351a5e196

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