The Most Common Causes of Truck Accidents: Insights from a Truck Accident Lawyer 

You're probably familiar with the various causes of car accident, like distracted driving and drunk driving. However, these are only two of many possible causes for truck accidents. In this article, we'll explore some common trucking accidents and how they happen so you can better understand how to avoid being involved in one yourself.

Inattentive Truck Drivers


In addition to speeding, other common causes of truck accidents include:

Distracted Driving

If you're a truck driver, you know all too well that distracted driving is one of the biggest causes of truck accidents. A lot of people think it's only texting and driving, but there are many other ways that people can become distracted while they're behind the wheel.

One example is talking on a cell phone--this is illegal in many states (and even if it isn't illegal where you live, it's still not safe). Another possibility is having passengers in your car who want to talk to each other or play with their phones instead of paying attention when they're riding with someone else who needs their full attention!

If these scenarios sound familiar and apply to you as well as many others out there who drive regularly...don't worry! This article will help explain why this type of behavior happens so often--and what steps we can take together so we don't end up causing any more accidents than necessary!

Drunk Driving

One of the most common causes of truck accidents is drunk driving. Drunk drivers are often not aware of their impairment, and they may not be aware that driving a truck is more dangerous than driving a car. They also may not understand how quickly they can lose control over their vehicle or how difficult it can be to regain control after losing it. If you've been injured in an accident caused by a drunk driver, we encourage you to speak with an experienced attorney who has handled similar cases before so that he or she can help explain your options for seeking compensation from those responsible for your injuries.

Mechanical Failure

Truck accidents are often caused by the truck drivers themselves

While truck drivers are often at fault for accidents, it's important to note that they're not always to blame. For example, some of the most common causes of truck accidents include:

If you’re in need of Truck Accident Lawyer, we got just the right place for you!

At LeFante Law Offices, P.C., we understand that a Truck Accident Lawyer can have a profound impact on your life. Our team is committed to helping you through this difficult time and getting you the compensation you deserve. Our attorneys have decades of experience representing clients who have been injured in truck accidents. We know how to navigate the insurance process and fight for your rights.

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LeFante Law Offices, P.C.
456 Fulton St UNIT 410, Peoria, IL 61602
(309) 999-1111

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