

3/28: Michelle earned NIH RNA Fellowship. Congrats!

1/5: Baylee joined our lab for her Honors College thesis project. Welcome!


9/10: Bryant and Maha joined our lab for their supervised independent research. Welcome!

8/24: Katina joined our lab as an MS student. Welcome!

8/11: Nimmy has advanced to candidacy (PhD).

6/11: Nimmy received Outstanding Teaching Assistant of the Year Award. Congratulations!

5/7: Michelle was selected as an NIH RNA Fellow. Congratulations!

4/28: Michelle joined our lab as a PhD student. Welcome!


10/6: Ankana joined our lab as a postdoc. Welcome!

8/1: Our lab is open!

3/20: We temporarily close up the lab due to the COVID-19 outbreak :(

3/16: Yeon Joo joined our lab as a lab manager. Welcome!


12/25: Leica 3D THUNDER system is here as well as other exciting state-of-the-art equipment.

12/2: Zach and Fizza joined our lab for their supervised research. Welcome!

12/1: Nimmy joined our lab as a PhD student. Welcome!