Ledbury Deanery
Mtwara Link
28 November 2023, the Mothers' Union launch Christmas appeal Give a Gift for Life in support of Mtwara. This Christmas, give a gift for life to communities like Lucia’s. People in the world’s poorest regions like Mtwara, Tanzania, desperately want to break the cycle of poverty and build a better life. Double the Difference
25 September 2023 - News
The Ledbury Deanery – Mtwara Link Committee met last week.
Thanks were given in the prayers for the significant contributions made in the past by Paddy Roseveare and Hazel Gould in the life of our links with Mtwara and Tanzanian Dioceses.
The needs of the Church Kindergarten in Mtwara remain considerable and £650 has recently been sent to alleviate their shortage of water and food. It was agreed that a further £800 should be sent in November towards extra food for Christmas time.
Lent Lunches form the main source of income for this Link and looking towards 2024, a Lunch is planned for Friday 8th March in St. Katherine’s Hall. Offers of further Lent Lunches would be most welcome from members of our church communities to raise funds for this very important need.
August 2023, Note from Ledbury Deanery Mtwara committee.
This year we were only able to hold three Lent Lunches, but due to some very generous donations a total of £1,065 was raised.
The recent news from Mtwara in Tanzania is that in the kindergarten they now have 120 children, five teachers, and one cook.
Who Are We?
We are a small Deanery Committee, part of a larger
Hereford Diocesan link with Tanzania.
Our link for the past twenty two years is with Newala Diocese, but more specifically with ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS ANGLICAN CHURCH, MTWARA in S.E. TANZANIA.
We aim to work together in friendship towards a better understanding of each other, to pray for each other’s needs and to work together on named projects for the Church in Mtwara.
Recently the main focus has been on the Kindergarten attached to and run by St. Michael’s, Mtwara. The building and equipment were in poor shape. Through joint efforts, a Nursery School building, with kitchen and toilet has been constructed, basic equipment and uniforms for the children provided.
Keeping chickens and rabbits are current projects run by the Kindergarten partly funded by the Ledbury Deanery, providing eggs and meat.
We have also helped with funding for a borehole to provide clean water for the children.
We continue to support the Kindergarten with essentials when requested. However, we are now looking for new members to join the committee.
After the past two years with the Pandemic, we have a shortage of funds and we need help. This can take the form of a donation from individuals and from PCC who made contributions in the past to our Mtwara fund.
Please can you find time to join the committee who meet quarterly to offer guidance, ideas for increasing awareness through meeting and social events.
Galatians 6 v. 9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap harvest if we do not give up.
Over the years – Projects shared:
Exchange of congregational visits
Ledbury primary School linked with Ligula School – Exchange of teachers
Building of new sister church Likonde
Motor cycles for rural priests
Food for those in need at Christmastime
Help with school bus for outlying children to attend kindergarten
Breakfast food for children
Please help us
Please contact:
Ann Tombs or Elaine Toyer