2021 정수론 집중강연

날짜: 2월 16일(화) ~ 2월 18일(목)

장소: 온라인(Zoom) 등록(클릭)

대상: 대학원생 및 정수론에 관심있는 수학자(언어: 한국어)

Speakers and abstracts:

- 유화종 (서울대학교, 서울): Introduction to Galois representations

- 박철 (UNIST, 울산): The geometry of Fontaine--Laffaille module

Abstract: Fontaine--Laffaille modules are linear algebra objects that correspond to certain mod-p Galois representations. These Fontaine--Laffaille modules together with fixed bases compatible with the filtration are parameterized by the variety U\GL_n, where U is the subgroup of GL_n consisting of the upper-triangular unipotent matrices. In this short lecture series, we introduce the geometry of U\GL_n, and interpret some representation theoretic properties in terms of geometric languages.

- 이정인 (고등과학원, 서울): Introduction to arithmetic statistics

Abstract: In this lecture series, we provide some recent developments and problems in arithmetic statistics, where one studies statistical behavior of number-theoretic objects in families. After giving a brief introduction, we concentrate on the problems on counting number-theoretic objects: number fields, algebraic objects over number fields and abelian varieties over finite fields.


2월 16일(화)

13:00~14:00 유화종

14:30~15:30 박철

16:00~17:00 이정인

17:00~18:00 질문 및 보충강의

2월 17일(수)

10:00~11:00 유화종

11:30~12:30 박철

14:00~15:00 이정인

15:00~18:00 질문 및 보충강의

2월 18일(목)

10:00~11:00 유화종

11:30~12:30 박철


- 김연수 (전남대학교, 광주), ykim@jnu.ac.kr

- 선해상 (UNIST, 울산)

후원: 한국연구재단