Lebanon, PA Dungeons & Dragons Club

Lebanon PA Dungeons & Dragons is a club dedicated to playing Gary Gygax's version of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 1st edition. The club is designed for members 12 years of age and older who want to play D&D. We welcome newbies who are interested in learning how to play D&D.

A Fighter and a Magic-User battling a dragon for the treasure.

Mystarian Solar System

Planet Mystara

Mystara's outer surface consists of three principal land masses: the continent's of Brun, Skothar, Davania, and the island continent of Alphatia (up to the year AC 1010). The continents of Mystara resemble those of the earth approximately 135 million years ago.

Two moons orbit the planet. Matera is a moon much like our own, whose phases govern lycanthropy (werewolves, werebears, etc.). Patera is an invisible moon that cannot be seen from Mystara.

The Known World of Mystara

The eastern portion of the continent Brun of the Known World.

The Known World has cultures and a level of technological developments that resemble 15th century Europe, but does not have gunpowder or the printing press. Late-medieval feudalism is the most common system of government: A nobleman, usually a powerful warrior, rules a region of land, occupying a stronghold (often a castle) at its capital, guarding the region and enforcing his laws with soldiers normally drawn from the local population. The peasants of his region pay him taxes and services; he, in turn, protects them against invaders and evildoers.

Just as the peasants serve the noble, so too does the noble serve a greater ruler, a king or emperor. The petty noble supplies taxes to the greater ruler, and in times of war supports him with soldiers and additional money, and often must campaign with his king. The greater ruler, in turn, is obliged to protect the lesser ruler's claim to nobility, and to help protect the lesser noble in times of invasion. The oath of mutual service and support sworn between them is known as the oath of fealty. In the Known World, many nations follow this pattern of government, and some follow other patterns. Some nations are populated entirely by demi-humans and humanoids.

Thyatian Calendar of the Known World

MONTHS (28 day months) Days of the week













Approved Classes and Races for game play