Donate Bitcoin for Lebanon

After the tragic explosion of Beirut, I am raising funds for the Lebanese Red Cross and Beit El Baraka by auctioning off 6 copies of The Bitcoin Standard, each with its own Lebanese Lira bookmark, the same Lebanese lira that recently achieved the distinction of satoshi parity, only ten years after being worth 670,000,000 satoshis.

The three donors who donate the highest amount will each receive a signed book and a signed Lebanese lira bookmark. All other donors will be entered into a draw for the other three books and lira bookmarks. The more you donate, the higher your chances of winning. Please be sure to include an accurate email address if you want to have a chance of winning.

If you prefer to donate with fiat money, and in order to avoid excessive delays and fees, please just enter your donation directly to the Lebanese Red Cross and/or Beit El Baraka on their websites, and send me the receipt to so you enter the competition.