Popular science

Picture copyright © Cendrine Mony

Communications & public events

2021. Nature Generation Areas, IUCN World Conservation Congress (Marseille, France) : animation of 3 workshops / games / artistic exhibitions to make the general public and schools aware of (the pressures on) Mediterranean biodiversity and the plastic packaging alternatives.

2020. Interview: "Restaurer les corridors porte ses fruits". Sciences Ouest, 383:7.

2020. "Grace du Sillon" documentary film (Cyril Le Tourneur d'Ison): speech about the impact of temporal changes of bocage landscapes on biodiversity and associated ecosystem services.

2017 - 2020. LTSER research site "Zone Atelier Armorique" farmers' annual meeting : presentation and exchanges

2015. Interviews to promote the "Garden Dormouse" citizen science program (press, radio, municipal and inter-communal newsletters).


Uroy L., 2016. La quête du lérot dans le Bessin ! La lettre du petit Lérot 61:6