Léa Uroy 

Postdoctoral researcher, UMR CNRS 6553 ECOBIO, University of Rennes 1, Rennes, France. She/her

Hello 👋 !

I am an ecologist with research interests at the confluence of landscape ecology, community ecology and agroecology.

My researches are focused on the mechanisms driving biodiversity in human-modified landscapes. 

I am particularly interested in the role of landscape and local changes on plant and animal communities and their cascading effects on ecosystem functions. Through these questions, I also seek to improve methods for assessing landscape factors for biodiversity.

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher in the ECOBIO lab. Previously, I was Assistant professor at the PURPAN Engineering School and attached to the Dynafor lab, and project manager at the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Regional Agency for Biodiversity and Environment