Learn Japanese Tea Ceremony

Influenced by the Zen spirit and linked-verse poem making, tea ceremony, the Japanese Way of Tea, arrived at its concepts of beauty: wabi and sabi. Since then, for over 400 years, these unique tea rituals have influenced all aspects of Japanese culture, including the most refined Japanese cooking, confectionery, arts, crafts, etiquette, and manners.

Put aside a quiet moment and learn the art of Japanese tea ceremony with tea master Sohki Matsui. Born and raised in Japan, Matsui-sensei started tea ceremony lessons when she was 12 years old. She holds the bon and kyoju (professor) level of tea certification, the highest possible, from the Omotesenke school of tea, headquartered in Kyoto, Japan. She is also a former board member of the Northern California chapter of Domonkai, which is the official organization for the Omotesenke School of Tea, which has chapters all over Japan, and 4 in the United States.


Tea Ceremony lessons

Students of any level are welcome. Instruction is individualized according to the progress of each student.

  • Lessons are offered in Los Altos (near highways 280 & 85).

  • Currently, lessons are on the first three Wednesday and Thursday evenings of each month, starting at 6:45.

  • Please contact Matsui-sensei for more information.

  • Authorized to recommend students for all levels of certification by the Omotesenke School of Tea.

Demonstrations and one-time classes


Email: learntea@gmail.com

(650) 305-9268

Gallery of Japanese sweets made by Matsui-sensei

Gallery of Matsui-sensei doing tea demonstrations and classes